The Moment Of My Life

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We were in front of the Castle, tears came to my eyes, I was shattered.

The guards told mother and father that I had arrived.

I thought that they were going to be so happy and everything was going to be alright like the movie Tangled I once saw when it was a treat day on Sunday at Auntie's.

Running, I was out of breath, I was wearing old black dungarees and slippers.

The excitement nearly jumped out of me as I ran into my parents arms.
I was free.
Free from the evil lady.

I hugged my parents and started crying, a puddle grew on the floor full my tears that were running down my cheek.

"But who are you?" said mother. "And why are you so happy to see us."

My parents don't remember me.

The don't know who I am.

I was shattered.

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