Chapter VI

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The dinner is quite awkward today.
Gussippe kept looking at Diana in a strangely dangerous way.

Stefan just kept moving his gaze backward and forward.

Gussippe cleared his throat and said, "Diana what do you think of vampires? "

Diana, "A myth I guess"

Gussippe, "Funny how you didn't agree when we were talking to Miss Pierce that day"

Diana, "I will believe on anything when my interest is in it"

Gussippe, "Oh really. Then you don't mind if I-

Gussippe took out his gun and shot at Diana.

Diana fell back.

Stefan,  "Diana! "

Stefan went to help his sister when she stood up glaring at Gussippe with her vampire face on display.

Diana moved Stefan behind her.

Gussippe, "You monster give me my son! "

Diana, "Oh so you can turn him into a emotionless, traumatized puppet like me. Not under my watch. I will suck you blood dry father"

Gussippe, "Don't call me father you have lost the will to call me that when you turned monster"

Diana, "How did you know? "

Gussippe, "Even as a vampire do a good job at least Diana. You left a trail. And I  saw how you fed on the maid at night"

Diana, "Maybe I did but you will not take my brother from me"

Gussippe, "I will not let you make my son into one a monster. But you will face death"

As he said those words bunch if vampire hunters came at the room aiming their guns at Diana.

Gussippe, "Now Diana give me Stefan and turn yourself in. Or else I have to kill Stefan as well"

Stefan, "Diana don't turn yourself to them!"

Diana took Stefan's  hand and pushed him to their dad. As the hunters brought out handcuffs cuffing Diana dragging her away to a cage which was meant for Katherine.

Stefan, "Diana no! Fight them kill them!"

Diana turned and smiled at Stefan sadly saying, "Be strong I will come back"

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