Chapter Seven

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When everyone in  Fowl seemed asleep

Amy opened the vents and crawled in there Making her way to heron's lab amy opened the vents from there and entered the lab

Amy looked at the direction where the Two girls were in their tubes amy looked around to see any signs of heron but no one was in there

Which was good, amy made her way to the tubes and opened them, the two girls fell out, amy backed away a little from them

The girls slowly stood up and rubbed their eyes

"Um hi?" Amy said

The girls began to beam up


Amy was struggling to answer

She looked at both girls "well im amy" Amy said the girls smile at amy

"Im May and this is june!" May said, june waved at amy

This girl... Why do i have a strange feeling?

Amy thought to herself as she looked at june

"Do you know why we were created?" June asked

Amy looked at both of them "sorry i don't really know why" She said

May and june looked disapointed

"But maybe i can do some research" amy said but she was cut off by the some voices she heard from outside the lab "you two need to get back into your tubes now!" Amy said as she put may and june back into their tubes, amy looked through the keyhole of the lab and saw gandra was being taken away by the eggheads

That moment amy felt her heart break a little as he overheard that gandra was a traitor

She held back the tears and went back to her room

Frequently at a night amy started to visit may and june often and hang out with them at night, but she seemed to grow more closer to june

And felt something she never felt before in her life, but she never really understand what it meant

That morning they had a fowl meeting, amy was a bit tired from that visit of may and june at night, Bradford was addressing the plans again for their Ultimate win

Amy was paying less attention to it, she was sitting near her father and blot seemed to notice amy seemed a bit tired

Blot slowly leaned near his daughter

"You alright amy?" Blot asked in a whisper

Amy jolted a bit "huh? Wha- yeah totally fine" amy said trying to fight the urge to yawn

Blot looked at her with concern in his eyes and he turned back to focus on the meeting

When the meeting ended

Heron finally let may and june out of their tubes to meet their fellow co workers

Ofc june ran right to amy "AMY!!!!!" June yelled as she ran heron looked shocked while may just stood there beside heron

June hugged amy and her cheeks turned a little bit of red

"Heyy juney" she said, amy moved her eyes around checking if blot was watching, which he is

Amy pulled herself together and she slowly let go of june

Pepper was so awed by this encounter of the kids

"Isn't this amazing! Woohoo!" June said as she began to run around the room

"June! Get back in your position!" Heron yelled

"Oh sorry mom" june said as she went back beside her sister may

"So what are they for?" Victoria Asked as she looked at the girls

"you'll see real soon" heron answered tiffany was ontop of steelbeak's head as she looked down at the clones

Dawson in the corner of the room his eye was twitching a bit as he saw the clones that seemed familiar to someone he knows

Dawson isnt usually in fowl since he is for spying on the Mcducks

Amy and june started to spend time together without may

The eggheads ofc notice this but some didn't pay much attention to it

Amy taught june a few "normal" things to do for fun

They were so close it seemed like they were in love with each other, amy felt unease about that since she doesn't know what love is and it was her first time feeling an attraction to female

For a few days it went on like that and amy realize she likes june and she knows june feels the same way too but
They didn't expect the next day

"Amy could we have a talk please" Heron asked looking at amy

Amy felt a bit of concern but she followed orders and followed heron to a room

"I want you to no longer be around may and june, especially june" heron said

Amy felt her heart got crushed "but... But... Their my best friends i- i cant do that!" Amy said

Heron was surprised but disappointed "what would your father think if he finds out you are sneaking around with that clone of a girlfriend?" Heron said

Amy eyes filled with fear as heron continued

"If you don't stay away from them i will destroy them, since clones are very replaceable" she said as she held her robot hand

Amy's eyes widened in shock "NO!" Amy yelled she sighed

"If you want them to live, stay away from them both, especially june, i will NOT want to be seeing you near them at all, do you understand?" Heron said

"Yes aunt heron..." Amy said as she wiped tears off her face

At she was given one last time to talk to may and june, she went to june

"June i have to tell you something" amy said, june looked at her with a smile "yeah? Oh before you say it i also have something to say to you too!" June said "how about we say it together, one... Two.."


"I Love-" june stopped as she paused on what amy said

"Wait what?" June felt broken, amy walked away June grabbed amy's arm

They went into another room

"Amy! Please what did i do? Why are you breaking up with me?!" June pleaded

"Im sorry June! But i cant be with a stupid clone!" Amy said

June's heart broke into pieces that moment and she started to cry may barged in the room with her skills and comforted her sister and glared at amy

Amy looked back at them with a blank expression and walked out of the room, she regrets it but she had to protect them amy ran into her room while the tears drip down her face, blot was walking in the hallway and saw amy who ran pass him, he notice the tears in her eyes and once amy shut the door in her room, blot knocked

"My little Abomination? Are you alright?" Blot asked

Amy was on her bed sobbing on her pillow "STAY OUT OF THIS DAD!" she yelled and continued crying a cloud started to form on her head and it started to rain down on her

She was so heartbroken

Im sorry....june....

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