Chapter Two

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A few months have passed since it happened

Amy tried to forget what happened and tried to continue the perfect persona, blot  was busy rebuilding his glove as fast as he could amy peaked into her dad's office

"Uh dad-" amy started but stopped when pepper suddenly appeared

"hey excuse me mr blot-" pepper started but she was inturpted when blot blasted the picture of magica

Amy's eyes widen in shock

"Um i see your busy i'll come back.." pepper said amy watched pepper walked away, amy turned to blot's office and looked at her dad

"Hey dad" amy said as she walked in

"Not now amy..." Blot said in a tired raspy voice

"Dad please for once can you just let me help you-" amy said

"QUIET AMY! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING! YOU CANT CONTROL YOUR OWN POWERS!" blot snapped but silent after realizing what he just said

Amy backed away she felt like she was about to cry, but she was holding the tears in

Amy looked at her father

"Amy im sorry-" blot said but was cut off by amy

"Im used to it..." Amy said as she walked away, a few moments later she notice blot left his office and went to do his job

My powers are not in my control yet... What am i going to do? Dad is always too busy to help me with my powers... I wished he just removed it from the start so i wouldn't have this problem... Why didn't he remove it anyway?

Amy's thoughts filled her as she walked in the hallway
She looked around at the photos of the fowl agents
Amy had one of her too and the frame has "Little Miss Perfect" titled on it

She sighed in a sad tone

She felt like something was wrong with her

The sound of footsteps can be heard approaching amy

"amy" it was heron "its time for me and you to have a little chat about... Something"

Amy looked at heron she was confused but still sha had to follow

"Okay..." Amy said in her tone seemed like she trembled a bit

She followed heron to the lab and closed the door

"Seems like your father isnt really paying much attention to you isn't he..." Heron said

Amy looked to the side

"He is just working" Amy said

"But what if it isnt that" heron said as she looked at amy

"What..." Amy said

"your not really related to blot, your adopted... I found you in the ballpit upstairs abandoned and alone" heron said

Amy felt shattered after hearing that

"No! No! Thats not true! Is it?" Amy said looking at heron she was about to break

"Oh i wish.. but its all true amy, i did do some research on who could have abandoned you... And turns out its your own grandpa.... Because he only wanted your sister... That old man back there was your grandpa" Heron said

Tears started to fall from amy's eyes as she got up and ran out of the lab crying she tried to avoid everyone but she ran into pepper who noticed her crying

"Amy? Is everything alright?" She asked

"Pepper... Is dad only ignoring me cause im not really his daughter?" Amy asked

Pepper just looked at her "hey thats not true, blot is only trying to protect you from those magic users... Your still his family blood or not" pepper said wiping some of amy's tears with her finger

Amy hugged pepper, the hug caught pepper by surprise
But she hugged the child back 

Later that night

Amy layed in her bed she was still upset about hearing the truth... Her grandfather abandoned her

Amy looked at her night stand and got up from her bed, she slowly opened the door of her room and saw light from her blot's office she knew her dad wouldn't sleep she heard what happened a few hours ago

And wasn't happy about it, amy made her way to the lab

And put on her googles

Maybe if i try to look more like my dad... Maybe he will spend time with me again

Amy started to mix a few chemicals trying to make something that could help her, until after adding another component it exploded and amy fell to the ground there was smoke everywhere in the lab

Amy coughed before she opened her eyes and saw something different her hair

Oh no! oh no! Heron is going to kill me!

Amy's thoughts were full of fear she then heard some footsteps running towards the lab, amy looked at the ceiling and saw a vent and quickly made her escape through there and back into her room but before she did she first went to her dad's room and into the magical objects box

Amy looked through each object, as much as she hated magic, it was the only option she has to hide her secret

She stubbled on a small box and there was a stone and a note saying 'Concealment stone'

Without hesitation amy grabbed it and put in her pocket and fixed the box before she ran back into her room

Heron was in so much anger and was yelling at an egghead blaming them for the mess in the lab

Amy closed the door from her room and went to her vanity, she pulled out the stone from her pocked and wore it  on her arm and poof

Her hair was back to the way it was

She new it was fake but it was the only way

She looked at herself for a moment before looking at her closet

Amy took off her ribbon and in her hand it slowly smoked and the ribbon was burned

Amy changed her clothes and looked in the mirror
She now develop a new style for a change but she didn't change alot since she had fear deep down

But she took a deep breath, went back to bed and sleep with the thought in her head.

Is this what i really want?....

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