Chapter Six

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Amy woke up from her bed and yawned she got up and changed her clothes and put on her concealment stone, but her head was filled with the doubts from the few events that occured

Amy left her room and see's Bradford Walking in the hallway

"Greetings Amy" Bradford said not amused

Amy looked at him, this was the first time Bradford ever spoke to her

"um morning uncle Bradford, any assignments today?" Amy asked

It seemed a bit quite in fowl

"well some of the agents are on a mission except for your father and some of the eggheads" Bradford said he walked away without looking back at amy

Amy looked at him for a moment, she then turned away and walked to the kitchen

When she did she notice Blot there wearing an apron making breakfast for her

Amy blinked and rubbed her eyes to double check if she is seeing things right

"Dad?" Amy asked

Blot turned around

"Morning amy" blot said as he placed some breakfast at the tabel

Amy blinked again

Is this really my dad?

Amy sat down at the tabel and looked down at the breakfast she was still weirded out by blot who was acting strange, she never seen him act that way before
But she knew there could possibly be a catch

"Hey Blottie!" Pepper said as she walked into the kitchen

Under blot's mask his face turned red a bit

"Oh Hello! Pepper!" Blot said dead nervous tone

Amy's beak went wide open as she looked at blot and how he was looking at Pepper

She shook her head and pieced the puzzles together

Dad loves pepper...?

Is Pepper gonna be my mom?

those thoughts on amy's head felt a bit odd for her, she went on for 13 years without a mom

"You made breakfast, thats so sweet of ya" Pepper said as she smiled and sat at the tabel too

All three of them ate their breakfast blot prepared

Pepper and blot were talking about what team they are, amy felt a bit left out from that she just watched them both ramble but for some reason she felt like this was normal?

She felt the Bitter awkwardness from this new feeling

Blot noticed his daughter "you good my little Abomination?" He asked

Amy looked at him "um yeah! Thanks for the breakfast dad i remember im supposed to do something so okay now bye!" She said as she got up and ran out of the kitchen

Pepper and blot looked each with concern

Amy walked out of there back in the hallways putting her hands on her head as she walked

That felt normal, is that really normal, this feel soo weird... I should be Happy but why do i feel like this isn't right?

"Um Miss Amy?" A voice called from behind amy

Amy yelped and turned to see who was behind her it was Tiffany looking up at her

"Oh Tiffany... Dont do that" Amy said

Only dad and i can do the creeping up thing

"Oh sorry" Tiffany said as she looked at amy with one eye

"What do you want kid? Your dad is not back yet" Amy said recalling steelbeak is on a mission to get the sword

"Yeah but i just want to talk to you" Tiffany said

Amy raised an eyebrow "why?" Amy asked

"Cause you seem lonely" Tiffany said, she notice for a while now amy had no friends in fowl, at first she thought it was normal considering she noticed blot was the same until he friended pepper

"Lonely? Me pffft as if" Amy scoffed and said "how about you just play with the eggheads or something just leave me alone" amy said

As she walked away from tiffany

That night the rest of the fowl agents returned from their mission

They failed to get the sword, steelbeak slept on the couch tiffany snuck her way on there too and slept ontop of steelbeak

Victoria passed by and grabbed her phone as she took a picture of the cute moment she smiled at it with a blush

Rogerduck was craddling baby jeeves in his arms while mumbling a few things

Amy wandered around the hallways again, blot was back to working and Pepper was being pepper

Amy looked at the vents and heard something usual

She opened the vent which was leading down below the lair, she didn't go too farther but she heard some voices coming down from there, she didn't know who it was but something seemed to be going on down there


Amy went to heron's lab and gasp as she saw Two Ducks floating in tubes, One dressed in yellow and had a yellow bow and her hair in a ponytail, the other one dressed in light blue with a blue bow and had her hair in in pigtails

Amy reached out but heron grabbed her hand

"Just what do you think your doing?" Heron asked as she roughly holds amy's wrists

"Im sorry aunt heron i just want to know who they were-" amy stammered as she struggled to get the words

Out of her mouth heron wasn't buying it

Heron glared at her and dragged amy to the door roughly hurting her on purpose
Amy was trying not to cry from the pain

"You shouldn't be around those two i forbade it!" Heron said

Amy was a bit confused

"why?" She asked

"Im very busy right now amy so" heron started before she

"GET OUT!" Heron shouted as she throw amy out of the lab, amy hit the wall with her back, she wiped off the tears from her eyes from the pain from that

She got up and looked at the lab door

That wont stop me heron, ill find another way...

Amy then walked away with a plan in mind.

Lightning Sparks (Ducktales/Darkwing Oc Backstory)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ