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"Front/forward punch, Ai!" Robby yelled out, punching the air in-front of him. "Yuh!" The class yelled too.

Following after the teenager at the front of the class. "Ai!"




It repeated over and over. "Keene! You have a visitor!" Sensei Kreese called out for the young man.

The class stopped to turn and look at Kreese, Robby turning to Avery. "You know this kid?" Tory questioned, both shook their head no.

"I-I-I'm Kenny." The kid stutters, getting even more nervous by the second when every one of the teenagers stared him down with nasty looks.

"My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me." Robby whispered something in Avery's ear, giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking over.

"I didn't know Shawn had a brother. Is he out?" The class watched the whole interaction."No. That's why I'm here."

"These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so-"

Kreese eyed him down, interrupting the sentence of his. "This is a dojo. You are interrupting my class."

Kenny quickly started apologizing to the old man. "Sensei. Shawn Payne was one of the toughest guys in juvie."

"Kicked my ass a few times."

Kreese chuckled, giving Avery a look of 'do you know anything about this boy' she shook her head, still having a confused face. Robby didn't tell her about any Shawn Payne.

"You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how." John smirked.


He cut the girl off with his hand telling her to shush. "But you have to prove that you're worthy."

"How do I do that?" Kenny questioned, looking up at the old man who was grinning ear to ear.

John responded calmly. "Take your shoes off and get on the mat."

He sent looks to Avery and Robby, John still having his stupid wide grin on his face. "Robby, whoever Sensei puts with that kid is gonna not go easy on him."

"I know." They both watched as the little middle schooler struggled to take off his own shoes not having much balance.

He sighed, intertwining their fingers together taking it up to his lips and kissing the back of her hand.

When everyone's back we're turned Kenny remembered something about Gabi saying her cousin was dating Robby Keene, he had messaged her on insta telling her about joining.

GabriellaGomez 💋

'I visited my brother today, he's in juvie'

'Sick! Did someone have their eye missing out their socket?'

'No, I told him about me getting bullied at school. Said I should join "Cobra Kai"? I don't know some place his friend trains at.

'Y'know the persons name?'

'Robby Keene'

'Cooool, my cousins dating him. God he's a pain in the ass'

'He's not mean or anything, right?'

'With my cousin around? Definitely not, I don't know about just him but he seems chill'

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