Hakura's Memories: Part 1

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As Hakura lay sleeping during Akita's skirmish, she began to relive her first days of meeting him.

It was April 2nd of 2014 when 12 year old Hakura was studying at the living room table. Her mother and father entered the front door soaked in rain. "We're back from the Nippon Foundation Hakura." Said Mr. Yakutia.

"I told you I don't want an adopted sibling Dad. Why're you and mom even applying to the program?" She said annoyed.

"Now, Hakura. We need the money. And it's kind of too late to complain anyways." Replied Mrs. Yakutia who collapsed her wet umbrella.

"Whats that supposed to mean mom?" She asked. Suddenly she looked behind them. There stood a young and gloomy looking black haired boy with a backpack.

"This is Akita Kurayami. He's 13 and he's your new brother. We just took him in today. Akita, this is our daughter Hakura." Said Mrs. Yakutia introducing the two to each other.

"He's all dark and gloomy! I don't want him here! You stay away from me, you're not my brother!" She said quickly.

Akita stayed quiet and emotionless. Then he spoke "I don't really care. Once I'm 18, I'll be gone. I just need an education, a place to stay, and food. Mister and Misses Yakutia, thank you for your hospitality. I'll prepare dinner." He said bowing his head slightly and heading to the kitchen.

"Hakura! That was rude! He's your brother now so be nice!" Mrs, Yakutia scolded.

Hakura simply crossed her arms and pouted. 'He's such a weird kid. He prepares dinner after I insult him?' She though to herself.

About thirty five minutes had passed of Hakura studying, her father watching baseball, and her mother doing laundry. And then from the kitchen they heard Akita say "I've made dinner. It's pork cutlets, rice balls, and a side dish of miso soup."

They walked into the dining room to see, to their shock, what looked like a five star meal on the table. "I apologize if my cooking took too long. Your stove heats up very slowly." He said with still no sign of emotion.

The Yakutia's sat down at the table and began to fill their plates but Akita stood there still as a stone. "Akita, aren't you going to join us?" Asked Mr. Yakutia.

"I can't. That's the family dining table. I'll just eat in my room." He replied beginning to take take his plate to his new room.

"Akita, you're part of our family now. Please, sit and eat with us." Said Mrs. Yakutia. Hakura grew a small tick mark.

"Very well. Thank you Mrs. Yakutia." He replied taking another slight bow. "Please, call me mother" she said smiling. Hakura's tick mark grew slightly bigger.

'His cooking can't be that good.' Hakura thought while he taking a bite. Suddenly she felt bliss in her taste buds. "You made this?! It's gotta be made by a chef!" She said loudly in shock.

"All the ingredients came from your kitchen. I don't lie." Replied Akita taking a bite from his chopsticks.

"You'll make a good husband someday Akita. Girls love boys who can cook." Said Mr. Yakutia. "Where'd you learn too cook like this?" Mrs. Yakutia asked.

"I learned from the orphanage chef. And I don't plan to date or get married. That'd just hold me back. However I did get allot of girls attention at the orphanage." Akita replied to them.

"So you're a bit of a ladies man I see? Just like me when I was your age!" chuckled Mr. Yakutia with slight pride.

"Why would any girl even like you anyways? And Do you even have any friends?" Hakura asked judgmentally.

"I've always been called a loner. I just don't really want friends." He replied.

"Hakura he hasn't done anything to you! Why're you being so mean to him? He cooked for us the moment he got here without even being asked!" Mrs. Yakutia said angrily.

"I'm obviously causing a problem. I'll just go to my room. I'll do the dishes when your all finished with dinner." He said. Akita then stood up and walked into his room.

"He going to start going to your school tomorrow. If I hear you're being rude to him there too I'll cut your allowance in half." Mr. Yakutia said.

"But I..." Hakura tried to speak but her father stopped her.

"You've done enough tonight. Get ready for school tomorrow and go to bed. Understood, Hakura?" Her mother said firmly.

"Yes. I'm sorry." She replied feeling like ice was poured down the back of her shirt.

"Don't apologize to us. Apologize to Akita. He's a good boy. He just needs someone to accept him." Her father said looking slightly saddened.

"I'll go to bed now. See you in the morning." She responded. As she walked by Akita's room she tried to knock on the door to apologize but hesitated. 'No. He's not my brother. I don't need one! He's probably just a selfish pervert underneath that emotionless mask of his!' Hakura said in her head. She then headed to her bedroom.

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