First Day in the Underworld

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Akita and Hakura met Lucifer in their homes backyard. "I'll open the portal now. You're enrollment for the Academy of Hades was completed last night and you'll be starting when we arrive and when you're done on the first day, I'll take you to your new home. You actually don't have to tell anyone you're my son at school if you don't want to. No one knows your real identity or what my heir looks like. Oh and you'll need your academy uniforms too!" Lucifer said snapping his fingers.

Then in a slow glow of black light, Akita was wearing a new suit similar to that of a business suit with a pentagram on the right chest pocket and a long hooded black cape. Hakura herself was now wearing a black suit jacket and tie, short skirt, knee high socks, and a shorter hooded black cape with the same pentagram. "Huh. Kinda flashy!" Said Hakura approvingly of the uniforms. "Father, you never told us what hell looks like? Probably all fire, lava and brimstone? Maybe some dark caves and black canyons?" Said Akita "That's right but only below ground. If mostly looks like the Middle Ages but without poverty or disease."

Lucifer held his hand up facing backwards. Suddenly a glowing black pentagram appeared in the yard which turned into a dark black circle. "Let's go. Your first day at Hades Academy awaits!" Said Lucifer who entered it along with Haruka and Akita who were holding hands tightly.

They arrived in the school hallway but it looked similar to a gothic church with torches instead of lights but no windows. "Where is everyone? Wait, I don't smell any Humans here either." Said Akita using his demonic sense of smell. "It's almost impossible for a human to enter Hell. It's been over 2500 years since a human entered. Succubus, Demons, Vampires and, on very rare occasions, angels are the only beings allowed to enter unless in times of war or negotiation. You may be half human but because your also half demon you're an acceptation Akita." Replied Lucifer. "I'd better return to the throne room in the main castle of Hell. Your classes will start soon. Head down the hall and turn left. Have a wonderful day son. And welcome to the Underworld you two!" Then he disappeared into a flash of black light.

"Hakura-Chan, I don't want these beings to know I'm the son of their king. I wanna be treated with the same status as you are. No matter what, I won't leave your side. After all wether were in Hell or on Earth, your still my girlfriend. I promise." he said smiling in an effort to comfort her.

"Akita-San, if that's really what you want, I won't tell anyone your secret. I just don't understand how you can love me. I'm a succubus and that means I'm a sexual beast by nature. What if your power ever leaves me and I loose control?  I could hurt you or even become so sexually driven I could do things to you in bed that would make you resent me! I..."  before she could finish Akita embraced her in a kiss and held her close which surprised her. Hakura dug her fingers into his chest and ran out of breath after the next ten seconds.

Akita released her and a thin line of spit connected lips before breaking in two. "You accepted the fact I'm The Devil's son and Anti Christ and still loved me. If you can accept that about me, I can accept that your a succubus. As long as you never cheat on me, I won't hate you." He said showing a small smile.

" Baka..." she said softly while holding tears of appreciation. "Stop crying, ok? We have to get to class. Remember, we're just a basic Demon and Succubus student. Take my hand, come on." He said holding out his hand. She wiped her tears and took Akita's hand.

Following Lucifer's directions they went down the hall and took a left. They came to a wooden door and entered. There were about two dozen teens in the room but they were all demons. They looked human but none had hair that wasn't a blue, green or orange.

They were all talking but as Akita entered the room with Hakura and sat down at two desks. They all started to quiet down a bit.  All of them looked looked at Akita with disgust but for some strange reason left Hakura alone. One demon student with Dark blue hair approached Akita's desk and sniffed the air around Akita.

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