Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (Christmas Series PT 4 & PT 5)

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I woke up from a shake and looked at Sodo as he continues to shake my shoulder I looked at him while the other ghouls were still sleeping I whispered to him "You okay Sodo?" I looked as he nodded and slid off the bed hitting the floor with a thump I shot up looking at the small ghoul sitting on the ground and got up without waking the others I sat down next to Sodo as he puts his hand on mine I looked up at his masked face giving him a smile he smiled back and touched my cheek kissing me

After he broke they kiss Rain woke up slipping out of bed and sitting next to me rubbing his eyes I chuckled adjusting his crooked mask I sat back as each ghoul woke up starting with Swiss , Mountain and then Aether they immediately got up getting dressed into something warm I opened the curtains to see piles of snow I stared at the window watching other ghouls play in the snow I quickly got into my snow gear and ran outside with Aether as he jumped right into a pile of snow digging himself under of the snow

Sodo and Rain came out 15 minutes after he saw Me, Mountain, Swiss and Aether making Snow demons as I turned i get wacked in the face with a snowball I looked right at Sodo looking that the evil smirk on his face "OH IT IS SO ON!" I shouted making a snow ball in my hands and threw it at Sodo hitting his in the chest I turned to Aether and Swiss as the started to make Snow balls and Mountain, Rain and Sodo started to make a wall of snow while making snowballs, I made a Big snow wall then Aether Shouted "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" As we chucked snowballs hitting each other Sodo makes a ice ball and attempted to hit me with it but before he could Swiss dives in front of me throwing an ice ball at Sodo hitting his right into his dick

He clutched his crotch as some of the ice went into his pants I started cracking up laughing with Rain Soon after Sodo's team surrendered we all went inside getting warm and falling back asleep cuddled up to each other with The Ghoulettes

The next day

I wake up with none of the Ghouls in the room I got up and got dressed walking to the Common room As soon as i got the the room walking in all of My Ghouls shout "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I smiled while all the Ghouls and Ghoulettes sit around the tree Each gave out our gifts and Mountain hands me a box "This is from all of us" he said I smiled opening the box to reveal a beautiful necklace I smiled even more "Woah!! This so so Pretty!!" I said and Aether shuffled behind me "Let me put it on Love" he smiled grabbing the necklace and putting it on me I smiled and the Ghouls and Ghoulettes their special gifts

Special Gifts:

Mountain- Special Drumsticks
Swiss- Guitar strap
Rain- Guitar Case
Sodo- Guitar picks and Stickers for his Guitar
Aether- Bracelet And Guitar strap

Cirrus- Keytar Strap
Cumulus- Keyboard Design
Sunshine- Special Tamborine



Love Author <3

Love Author <3

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