Road Trip!

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It's a bit spicy 🌶


I get woken up by Swiss hitting Me and Sodo with a pillow screaming something I couldn't quite make out what he was saying till I opened my eyes seeing Swiss dancing around I sit up "What's happening...?" I say in a groggy and tired tone he just comes over to me and helps me up and stands infront of Sodo kicking him in the leg I turned around and all I could hear was Sodo shouting "OW! WHAT THE FUCK SWISS" I just walk out the room grabbing a dress from my closet coming back into the room in the dress I had chosen seeing Sodo being held back by Aether and Swiss just looking like was gonna cry I rolled my eyes walking over to Sodo standing infront of him and whispering in his ear "you're not being a Good Boy right now Sodo..."
He just froze and you could tell he was flustered I walk back over and sit on the couch in the room "What do you want Swiss...?" He takes a deep breath "OKAY SO..."

"Inside voices please..." I blurted out while rubbing my eyes

"Oops sorry!...anyways Cardinal said we are going on a road trip tomorrow and he told me to get everyone to pack tonight...he also said we are going somewhere special!"
He smiles and walks out the room and I look over at Sodo to see him just side eyeing me still blushing like crazy as I see him walk over to me pulling me into his room pushing me into a wall gently touching my lips before kissing me holding my hips he pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing my neck I couldn't help but moan his name "Ah~ Sodo~" he continues to kiss my neck leaving hickeys

Sodo looks at me for a moment before going back to kissing my jawline as he slides his hand down to my thigh grabbing it I whimper a little before he kisses me letting his tongue play with mine and I softly moan in his mouth he pulls back putting his hands on my waist looking at me and smiles as we both walk out going to Sodo's room packing up our bags as I go to the bathroom and cover up the hickeys that Sodo gave me soon after I cover them up I feel Sodo wrap his arms around my waist nuzzling onto my shoulder before whispering in my ear "I hope you enjoyed what I did...Darling~"
I shudder as he says that as a million thoughts go through my head I just smile and hug Sodo back

Aether comes into the room and looks at us "We are gonna pack the bags in the car tonight..." I look at him as Sodo nuzzles into my shoulder more "We packed already the bags are in the corner over there!" He nods grabbing the bags and leaving "Darling~" Sodo says looking at me now as I get flustered he chuckles and looks into my eyes "You like bing call the don't you.."
I just nods and kiss his cheek and at that Moment Swiss burst in "Come on love birds! We are going to play UNO"
As we all walk out together and Play UNO for the rest of the night...

(A/N: it's gonna take me a long time to get the next chapter down with more ideas but DONT JUDGE MY GRAMMAR!!!)

Y/n the new Ghost member 2022Where stories live. Discover now