Extra guest....

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While still shopping I feel a warm hand on my shoulder I turn while I see Rain looking at milk and I see Sodo Standing in front of me "Sodo what are you doing here..?"
He smiles softly at me "Well I may have walked here just to get something....and also Copia told me..."
I look at him then look away "w-what did he say..?"
He grabs my hips gently  "everything..."
I instantly get flustered and laughs nervously as Rain puts the milk in the cart "Oh Sodo!" He says looking at him as I move away and grabs some ingredients for baking and grabbing some alcohol for the ghouls while Sodo goes off with Rain to pick out some candy for the movie night they have been planing for a while I walk down the aisle that they were in choosing drinks as I grab a pack of energy drinks and walks up to the both of them arguing quietly to each other about the drinks

I walked in between them grabbing both drinks and putting it in the cart "Problem solved" I say looking at them both as they just stare and then turn around and walked over into another aisle...

Getting back home
I pack away all the groceries with Aether helping me out grabbing the other bags from the car and Swiss Packing away before saying "Oh yea tomorrow night is going to be Movie night!" I just smile and nod as I thought he would be excited as Cardinal strolls through the kitchen grabbing and bag of chips from one of the grocery bag as Mountain stops him grabbing the chips from his hands "Supper is soon...you can wait" as Mountain watches him as Cardinal walks off I smile and start to giggle

I suddenly feel like I have a pair of eyes staring at me I turn to see Sodo just staring at me giving off a soft smile at me and I hear Swiss whispering in my ear "Go over and kiss him already" I look at him and kicks his leg as he chucked and walks back to his room with Aether and Mountain following him...Rain continues to put away the last of the groceries Sodo walks over to me I look down at the floor he puts his finger under my chin and lifts it up and looking into my eyes while smiling softly my heart beats faster as he wrap his arms around me Rain looks over at us and just smiles and before he walks off I hear him whisper to himself "Such cute Lovebirds"
I instantly blush as he kisses me gently breaking the kiss looking deep into my eyes....and holds me closer making me feel safe

Y/n the new Ghost member 2022Where stories live. Discover now