Chapter 7

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"Marinette... Marinette!"
She woke up quickly to see Alya and Nino standing above her.
"Huh? What?" She asked.
"You've been asleep for half the school day, Miss Bustier told us to let you sleep because 'we don't know what's going on at home' or something." Alya sighed.
"Why what time is it?" Marinette put everything into her bag.
"2:30." Nino read off his watch.
"Miss Bustier said you felt dizzy so she let you take a break so thankfully you don't have any absent marks." Alya added.
"Oh bless the God's for this amazing teacher." Marinette sighed of relief.
"Rose' party is in 35 minutes and the campsite is half an hour away." Nino dragged Alya and Marinette out of the classroom, down the stairs and out of the school.
"How are we getting there?" Marinette asked.
"Adrien offered to pick us up with Kagami." Alya said as a silver limousine pulled up beside them and the door opened to see Adrien and Kagami sat down inside.
"Thanks for picking us up dude." Nino thanked him as he threw the two girls inside.
"It's no problem." He smiled as Marinette and Alya fixed themselves in a position.
"What did you do for your partner projects today?" Kagami asked them.
"Wait there was a project?" Marinette turned to her.
"Yes it was the work assigned for today's class." Alya was putting on mascara in her phone camera.
"I did it on my own since you was sleeping." Adrien laughed.
"Oh... sorry- but thanks." Marinette laughed nervously.
"Why even did you fall asleep in class?" Nino asked.
"I was daydreaming and then the next minute I heard Alya shouting my name." Marinette shrugged.
"Bug you need to snap out of your sleeping habits I swear." Alya was now applying some chapstick.
"Bug? Did you just call her bug?" Adrien asked.
"Yea when we went to the Arc De Triomphe we got an icecream from André's and a bug landed on her icecream and she didn't notice and then... she swallowed it." Alya laughed nervously.
"Ew-" Nino said before Alya nudged him.
"It didn't taste nice." Marinette shook her head in 'disgust'.


They all got out and walked to Rose' cabin.
"This is gonna be sick!" Nino shouted.
"Sure, sure." Alya nodded while she was frantically typing on twitter, that's before Marinette took it and slipped it in her purse.
"Try and last a day without it." She smirked as she shut her bag.
"Fine." Alya sighed as she knocked on the cabin door and Juleka answered.
"Hi." She said and opened the door to let them in.
"This is cozy." Kagami said.
"Yea I know right." Adrien replied as Kagami spotted Nathaniel.
"Could I go and talk to Nathaniel?" She asked them.
"You don't have to ask just go." Alya laughed and Kagami nodded, walking to Nathaniel.
"Oh my gosh Hi!" Rose ran up to them and hugged Marinette.
"Hi Rose." She hugged her back and they gave eachother a greeting kiss. Then she went around to Alya, Nino and Adrien.
"There's a big game of truth or dare later so stay tuned for that!" Rose laughed and went to her other guests.
"This is ni-" Marinette stopped talking when she noticed Luka playing Chloe something on the guitar.
"He's not worth your time." Alya turned her shoulder away from him.
"Yea your right." She sighed "it's just weird seeing him with someone else."
"Forget about him, you don't have to talk to him." Nino patted her shoulder and she nodded.
"WHERES THE ALCOHOL?" Kim shouted.
"In the cupboard!" Juleka shouted back.
"Alcohol... are we supposed to get drunk?" Adrien looked at the 3.
"Maybe it's best if we don't." Nino went and sat down next to where Lila and Kim were sat.
"Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven?!" Lila shouted and everyone cheered.
"I think Lila has warmed up to Kim." Alya whispered to Marinette.
"I mean he's flexing his muscles infront of her, and she's seemed to delevop his attitude in the span of 6 hours so there's definitely a connection." Marinette shrugged. Kim chugged down half a bottle of j2o and put it on the coffee table.
"Let's mix it with spin the bottle!" He added and everyone cheered.
"I didn't expect Rose to do this type of party." Nino was shocked.
"I mean we are 16 now, this is normal behaviour for teenagers." Adrien laughed.
"Ok i'll spin first!" Alix shouted and she spun it, it landed on Max.
"Max?!" Kim laughed.
"Go on then go in the closet." Lila pushed them both in the closet.
"What do we do while we wait for them to finish?" Sabrina asked.
"Well that's simple, we listen to make sure they are doing it." Kim rolled his eyes.
"We have to listen?! Ew what?!" Alya stuck her tounge out.
"Alya grow up it's just noises." Lila chuckled.
"She's definetly interested in him." Marinette whispered to Alya.
"So what do they have to do in there then?" Ivan scratched his head.
"Make out." Kim answered.
"They have to make out?" Marinette repeated it.
"Yea, they can't back out no matter who it is, but don't class it as cheating you couples." Lila once again answered.
"Are we fine with it?" Alya turned to Nino and he shrugged.
"I don't mind if you don't." He answered.
"Well it's just a game so why would I mind?" Alya turned back to the middle.
"Jesus they're relationship is healthy to trust eachother to make out with other people." Marinette said to Adrien.
"Yea it seems too healthy." Adrien laughed.
"Me and Luka are fine with it." Chloe spoke up.
"Me and Nino are." Alya confirmed.
"Me and Kim are." Lila laughed.
"You and Kim?" Juleka spat out her drink.
"Yea we are together." Lila smiled.
"Since when?" Nino asked.
"This afternoon, we hit it off instantly, I underestimated him." Lila opened up another wine and poured it in her glass.
"Me and Rose are fine with it." Juleka shrugged.
"We are fine with it." Ivan came out.
"Perfect we are ready." Kim smiled.
Max and Alix came out of the closet and they looked roughed up.
"Oh my God what happened?" Chloe burst out laughing.
"Someone forgot to close the window and this huge bird came in the closet." Max was cleaning his glasses.
"Why didn't you get me?" Rose tilted her head.
"Oh it watched." Alix readjusted her cap.
"Ok whatever, Chloe you spin." Kim went back to the fridge to get a beer as Chloe spun the bottle, and it slowly landed on Luka.
"Perfect." She smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him into the closet.
"Someone's desperate." Marinette said under her breathe and Alya burst out laughing.
"... Nothing is funny why are you laughing?" Nino asked.
"Just a memory." She wiped her tears.
"Oh my God they didn't close the blinds on it." Lila pointed to the closet.
"That's a french kiss if i've ever seen one." Kim cringed.
"HEY SHUT THE BLINDS!" Alix screamed and Chloe reached for the blind pull and yanked on it.
"What happens if they lie?" Marinette asked, taking a coke from Alya's hands.
"Oh you have to do it infront of everyone." Kim swigged another mouthful of his beer.
"You have to make out infront of everyone?" Alya asked.
"There goes my plans on lying." Lila laughed.
"That isn't surprising that you wanted to lie." Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Hey i'm trying to be friends with you all here! I'm past my lying phase!" She lightly slapped Chloe's knee.
"Do you remember when you got Marinette expelled?" Juleka asked Lila.
"Yea, I'm sorry Marinette I hope you can forgive me." Her face changed quickly, she looked genuinely upset, and she wasn't acting thats for sure, she had changed.
"I can forgive but I won't forget." Marinette shrugged.
"Aslong as you forgive me." Lila smiled.
"Are they done yet?" Kagami walked up to the door and banged on it.
"Hurry up won't you?!" She shouted.
"Coming!" Chloe shouted and they both walked out.
"You two had fun." Alya said, in regards to Chloe's hair being down.
"Oh yea." Chloe tied it back up.
"Adrien why don't you spin?" Lila smirked while she was looking at Marinette.
"Oh ok." Adrien spun the bottle and it swirled all around the table, but, of course, it landed on Marinette.
"Just where I wanted it to go." Lila smiled.
"Uh... thank you I guess?" Marinette raised her eyebrow.
"Hurry up then." Kim pushed them both in the closet and shut the door after.
"Uh." Marinette stared at the door.
"Hi?" Adrien smiled nervously.
"Uh so what now?" Marinette looked around.
"ISN'T THAT INVASION OF PRIVACY?" Marinette shouted back.
"NO IT'S ROSE' CLOSET AND SHE PUT IT THERE." He shouted even louder.
"Well great." Marinette sighed.
"You can't even see the camera." Adrien was checking all the shelves.
"Two options, make out in here or make out infront of everyone." Marinette sighed.
"Just admit you want to kiss me and go." Adrien smirked and Marinette took a book from the shelf behind her and hit his arm with it.
"Shut up I told you I like someone else." She rolled her eyes.
"HURRY UP!" Kim screamed.
"I think i'd rather in here." Adrien was looking around to see if he could find the camera.
Adrien and Marinette looked at eachother with a slight disbelief in their eyes.
"Ok we are stuck in a closet and we are being forced to make out, what do we do?" Marinette sighed.
"... do as they say maybe?" Adrien said sarcastically.
"Ok you're the one who wants to kiss me now." Marinette pushed him
"Well this is the safer option." He grabbed her shoulders "After this we can just pretend it never happened."
"Fine." She sighed and leaned in while he did.

That Night On The TowerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora