Chapter 2

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"Marinette I know you did not just jump off the Montpranasse Tower and trust Chat with your life!" Tikki was shocked while Marinette was staring into her pillow.
"It felt nice though, freeing almost." Marinette smiled to herself.
"You've changed since... 2 hours ago." Tikki sat on the pillow next to him.
"Change is good, right?" Marinette flipped over.
"Why did you jump off of a 209 metre building?" Tikki asked "That change is good?"
"I told you Tikki, it felt therapeutic." Marinette laid back on her pillow and let out a sigh of relief.
"Just say you caught feelings for Chat and go." Tikki looked at her with a straight face and Marinette shot up.
"What? No? I don't like Chat Noir!" She shouted "Chat Noir..."
Tikki chuckled quietly as the realisation hit Marinette.
"Oh my gosh I do like Chat Noir!" She screamed into her pillow.
"Marinette has he not attempted to confess his love to you about 10 times now? You'll be fine." Tikki smiled.
"What about Adrien..." Marinette sniffed.
"Adrien likes someone else, you like Chat, focus on Chat." Tikki reassured "Just don't obsess over him like you did with Adrien."
"Your right Tikki." Marinette shot up and took down all the posters of Adrien and even changed her computer background.
"I don't need Adrien to be happy!" She shouted and her parents ran upstairs with Tikki flying behind her back.
"What's wrong honey?" Her mum asked.
"Oh nothing." Marinette giggled and they went back downstairs.
"That was a close one." Tikki came from behind her.
"Yea." Marinette threw her posters in the bin.
"Tikki, can I tell Alya?..."
"Tell her what?" Tikki was collecting the last of her posters.
"That i'm you know who..."
"It's your choice but you're actively putting her in danger." She crossed her arms.
"She'd want to know, i'll tell her tommorow, with no one aroundy obviously." Marinette nodded before climbing into bed.
"Goodnight Tikki."
"Goodnight Marinette."

"Plagg, do you think Ladybug loves me?" Adrien asked Plagg while he was doing homework.
"I don't know, she did trust you with her life an hour ago." He gobbled another cheese.
"Do you know something about her I don't?" Adrien spun on his chair to where Plagg was sitting.
"I do know that the holders of the ladybug and the black cat are soulmates and that's it." Plagg rolled over before his eyes widened "I wasn't suppose to say that!"
"We are soulmates?!" He jumped off of his chair and dove onto his bed.
"Ahaha... surprise? Tikki's going to kill me." Plagg smiled and then frowned.
"Do you think we'll get married... and have a hamster?!" Adrien started jumping on his bed out of excitement.
"Uh... sure?"
Adrien squealed out of excitement and ran around his room.
"I'M. SO. HAPPY!" He shouted.
"A little too happy." Plagg sighed.
"It's midnight I need to sleep." Adrien stopped in his tracks before he slipped into his bed.
"Make sure you can sleep after that performance." Plagg laid on the pillow next to him.
"I will Plagg." Adrien smiled and closed his eyes, falling to sleep.

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