Leave Me Be

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Oh the silence
It slowly kills me
Why can't you see?
All I ask is you leave me be
I wish to do nothing with you
But you never leave my mind
You haunt my thoughts and dreams
Why must you be so perfect?
Why do I want you so bad?
Despite everything being so sad
You made me feel complete
And I miss you so
But I never want you to know
That you're always on my mind
From day till night
Keeping me awake till I weep at times
And how I wish things were fine
And how I want us to have never met
But through all the times we've been through
There is no lie when I say
That I miss you everyday
And all I ask is you leave me be
But you are all that I see
Even though I wish to be alone
You are what makes me feel like I'm home

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