Chapter Three

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"Indeed they do." Toshinori smiled down at her.

Akua looked around the room, confusion barely visible on her stoic face. "I thought there was another? Eraser Head, right? I have to say, I've never heard of them."

Hizashi, Present Mic, let out a laugh that boomed through the room and made Akua wince. "Oh, Shota? He likes to lay low. He is here. Was here before any of us showed up." He jerked his head in the direction of the corner of the room.

Akua raised an eyebrow at him before turning her head to look at the corner. Her eyes landed on a giant yellow caterpillar thing, and she jumped.

Letting out a small huff as Midnight Nemuri and Mic both laughed at her reaction, she regained her composure and took a closer look. It wasn't a caterpillar.

It was a sleeping man.

Sleeping? Who in the world could sleep through Hizashi's obnoxiously loud voice? She tilted her head at him in wonder, stepping closer.

Akua was a very reserved person, but the thing was, she paid no respect for people's personal space. She figured there wasn't a point in it, and if she wanted a closer look at someone, she'd get a closer look. No questions asked.

So when Aizawa Shota groggily opened his eyes as someone poked him awake, he was very rightfully spooked when he registered the tiny person crouched inches from his face.

"You know, you should really get more sleep. Although, it looks as though you were doing just that." Akua stated, half to herself. She never faltered. Stayed right near his face.

Aizawa was understandably uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He just frowned. "Exactly. Before you very rudely interrupted me." He huffed. "You're the new teacher, right?" He questioned.

Akua backed away, nodding. She was stilled crouched in front of him, just not so close to his face. She smiled softly and held out her hand. "Chisaka Akua." She declared quietly.

Aizawa sighed, unzipping his sleeping bag. "Aizawa Shota." He responded lightly. He didn't think this woman would be a problem. She seemed quiet, and even if she wasn't, he had delt with Hizashi for years now, and she could be nowhere near as loud as him.

He shook her hand, which was dwarfed in size compared to his. Akua notices this, and let out a silent huff of dissatisfaction. It wasn't her fault, she knew that. Well, maybe it was a little bit her fault. Getting addicted to coffee at the age of six didn't help her growth at all, now did it?

As their brief physical interaction ended, Aizawa stood up and folded up his sleeping bag. Weirdo. Akua thought. Who brings a sleeping bag to work?

Aizawa yawned, turning to the rest of the teachers. "We should all head home now. Chisaka knows everything she needs to about the school for now, and the entrance exams are soon. We have to prepare." And with that, the tired man exited the room and presumably went home.

Akua bid her farewell to the other staff members, leaving the staff room and a few minutes later, the school. The kitten had been quiet in her arms, sleeping softly. Akua smiled to herself and stroked it's soft fur.

She wondered why no one had questioned the cat. Was it normal for people to bring animals into the school? Or maybe they didn't notice? The cat was tiny, a bit smaller than her hand. It was very possible they just didn't see it.

She looked ahead, spotting the now-familiar figure of Aizawa. Her smile was small, barely visible as she kept a steady pace behind him. He kept going in the direction of her home, so she assumed he lived close or somewhere further along.

After a few more minutes, he abruptly turned around. He halted, staring at Akua with an annoyed expression. She stopped a respectable distance in front of him, still stroking the kitten.

"Can you stop following me? It's disturbing." He said, his voice monotone.

"Not following." I stated like it was obvious. "I live this way."

He seemed surprised for a split second , but his face quickly went back to expressionless. His eyes though, twinkled with slight embarrassment.

"Sorry-" he started to mumble before he was interrupted by the kitten meowing. Akua looked down at the poor creature, and when she looked back at Aizawa, she could almost laugh at how much his face had softened at the animal. A fan of cats? She found that adorable.

He noticed her staring and regained his composer, whilst Akua was barely containing her giggling.

"Is it yours?" He asked casually. Trying to act natural after Akua had discovered one of his weaknesses.

Akua smirked. "Found it a little while ago, while I was walking to UA."

He seemed shocked. "You walked around with a cat and no one noticed?" He asked. Under his breath, he mumbled, " I didn't even notice, damnit."

"Yeah, apparently you're all blind." She laughed as his cheeks tinged a barely visible light pink against his pale face.

"Anyway," she continued speaking, gazing lovingly at the kitten. She had already fallen in love with the pitiful little ball of fluff. She watched as it squirmed in her arms, playing with stray strands of her sky blue hair. "I'm taking it home. I'll clean it up and keep it around. I already have names in mind, I just need to check the gender when I get home." She continued walking past Aizawa, to which he followed about a foot behind her.

"Well, if you need any help, I'll gladly give you advice. I have a couple of cats at home." Aizawa mumbled.

Akua grinned evily, fully prepared to use his soft spot for cats against him. It was a habit of Akua's, to use things against people. Mostly it was in good humor, playfully and with nothing but fun laced behind it. When she used it in missions however, it came in handy.

"Aww. That's cute, what're their names?" Akua asked, glancing back at him over her shoulder. Small talk with the coworkers was okay, right? This conversation didn't make them friends. It made them acquaintances. Which were two totally different things. Yeah. She nodded to herself with that convincing.

Aizawa was staring forward, not looking at the shorter human. "Yoshi and Kenzo. Both males." He said.

"Cute!" Was Akua's only statement before she noticed the familiar building that was her home. "Well, got to go. I'll see you at work, yeah?" She skipped off, not waking for an answer.

Aizawa watched as she left. "Yeah." He said under his breath as he kept his eyes on her. Only when she disappeared did he continue walking to his house which was not far from hers.

"See you at work."


Word Count: 1207

Hey! On the side note, learning German for no reason is fun! Anyway, got sick with Strep Throat and feeling awful lol. But decided to post anyway since I was bored.


Love y'all!

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