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The pitch black room is empty.

Empty, except for the seemingly lifeless heap in the corner of the darkness.

Until the heap moves.

The heap speaks.

The heap cries.

It's not a heap, it's a being. A human. A person. A child.

The cries turn into sobs as the tock ticks. The person forced themself to keep it down, as not to wake the monsters. Both the ones inside their head, and the ones a couple rooms down.

But he wasn't quiet enough.

Soon the opening and slamming of a door is heard. The figure in the darkness slaps his hands over his mouth in an attempt to smother the small whimper that escaped his lips when the door was slammed.

Stomping could be heard getting closer and closer to the heavy door that separated the person in the room from the outside world.

Separated from the monsters.

The jingling of trying to find the right key, and then the horrifying sound of them putting the key in the lock and turning.

The figure huddled into himself, pressing his back against the walls in a feeble attempt to get away.

The door creaks slowly at first, then is thrown opened.

Light invades the darkness. The small, terrified boy in the corner is met by a face contorted by pent up anger.

"I told you.. To shut.. The hell.. up." The angry man said in a deep voice as he began stomping over to the boy. "Didn't I?"

The boy nodded immediately, trying desperately to stop the tears that flowed down his face. The man grabbed the front coller of the boys' torn, bloodstained white shirt.

"Then why the hell are you waking me up with your fucking crying? Bitch." At the word "bitch" the man reared up his right hand and smacked the boy, who let's out a yelp, but didn't even attempt to cover his face, as he knows it would only get him beat worse.

"If I hear you again, your ass is mine. Don't you understand? You'll never escape this place." The man grins evily . "They left you. They left you to die. And they are never. Coming. Back. To get your sorry ass." The man drops the boy, who scoots back towards the wall as he looks up at his captor. His monster.

The man smirks, laughing a bit before leaving. He slams the door shut behind him and the room is plunged into the never ending darkness.

Eventually, the boy does fall into a light, nightmare-ridden slumber. Awoken every couple of hours in the fear of oversleeping and getting beaten. And by the time morning came, he was absolutely exhausted. Almost falling over himself.

This was not an older child, he was only about five. So little sleep wasn't healthy for his small body. But that didn't stop the people. The captors. The monsters from making the boy work his ass off every day until he was on the verge of collapse. Until he did collapse, which he would get beat for if he did.

He could only hope the monsters were wrong. That someone really was going to save him from this house of hell. But deep down, he knew they were right. His family left him. They abandoned him for money and fame. For the fact that if the world knew his mother had a child like him, she would automatically lose her popularity among the people.

He sighed, slipping back into another light sleep, if that's what you could call it. More like another nightmare.

The door opens, and he jumps awake, leaping to his feet. Which he immediately regrets, as he trips and lands almost face first on the cold floor. He rights himself as fast as he can, and looks up at the person standing in the doorframe.

It's a man, but not the same one as the night before. This man was shorter, less scruffy, but he had the same angry and disgusted expression laying eyes on the small child. The man scoffed, roughly telling the kid to get his ass in gear and to start his daily "chores." More like daily punishments. Punishments for being alive.

As he nodded and slid out the door to do them, his only thoughts were:

When is someone gonna save me?
Will I ever escape?
I wonder how bad I'll get hurt today...
I hope they show mercy.

Mercy. Being saved. Escape. He knew those were all next to impossible. But he kept clinging on to the hope that they weren't entirely impossible.


Word count: 762

Hey guys! I got the prologue out. Are you guys interested? Comment and tell me what you think about it!

I spent a while trying to think of what the prologue should turn out like, and I think I did a mildly impressive job.

Also, little side note: I'm going to try and make each chapter anywhere from 800-3000 words long since I love long chapters and hate short ones. The prologue doesn't apply to this rule though since it's not an actual chapter <3

Love y'all!

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