Chapter One

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Hey guys! The pic above his Akua's hero costume! Her hero name is Nimbus. I know it's not the best edit, but it works. Thank you! Back to the story!

An alarm could be heard blaring through the small house at around nine in the morning. And next to said alarm, a sleepy woman grumbled angry curses at being woken up as she smacked the snooze button.

Akua yawned, slipping off the bed and stretching. She picked up her phone off the nightstand and checked for new messages, to see her brother had asked her to call him when she woke up.

"What the hell does he want.." Akua mumbles quietly as she brought the phone to her ear. Her brother almost immediately picked up.

"Hey Aku!" Akio's voices through the device.

"Hey Aki." Came Akua's lazy response as she yawned again. She hated how her parents had made their two children's names sound so close. It was easy to confuse the two sibling's when it came to their names.

"Just wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" Akio said happily.

"Don't you have better things to do? A wife to take care of?" Akua said, still pissy after being woken up early.

"Damn, who pissed in your Cheerios? I'm just trying to be brotherly here". Akio stated. "Hana and the kids went to go visit mom and dad, and I was bored."

Akua growled, then released a long-suffering sigh. "Fineee." She groaned. "But make it snappy and get your ass over here or I'm going back to bed." She crossed her arms, glaring at the wall since her brother wasn't there for her to direct her menacing eyes to. Yet.

"Alright, jeez. Asshole. I'm on my way, bye." Akua could hear the door of Akio's car shut and the engine starting over the phone.

"See you soon." Akua hung up and set the phone down on the bed. She sighed again, then hopped in the shower for a quick wash. Once she got out, she dressed in regular grey sweats and an oversized green t-shirt.

She was lying on the couch when the door opened. Little shithead didn't even bother to knock or ring the damn doorbell. Akio's footsteps could be heard making their way to the living room.

"Did anyone teach you to knock?" Akua stated sarcastically as soon as he was within eyesight.

"Mom did, actually." Akio replied with a shit-eating grin. "Just didn't feel like it this time."

"I'll show you 'feel like it' when you 'feel' my foot up your ass." Akua stood, walking over to her little brother who fucking towered over her.

Akio just laughed and spread his arms. Akua sighed and walked into them, giving his torso a quick hug before she backed away with her hands on her hips.

"Now why did you wanna hang out again?" Akua asked. She was in a slightly better mood, as she hadn't seen her brother in a while.

"Ah. I was just bored. Figured we could go somewhere to eat. On me, of course." He ruffled her hair a little. "Can't drag you out of bed and make you pay for food."

Akua nodded. That sounds nice. Haven't went out anywhere other than to do my hero work.

"Let's go, then. I already got a place in mind." He grinned and headed for the door.

"Lemme change first, asswhipe. I didn't know we were going anywhere today." Akua snapped and then sauntered off to her room upstairs. She quickly threw on some skinny jeans, a pale blue shirt, and brushed her hair, putting it up in a high ponytail before coming back out.

"Took you long enough." Akio grumbled under his breath as he lead the way outside.

"I heard that." Akua stated in a bored tone of voice. She simply walked past her brother, about to open the door to his car only to realize it was locked. She looked up at him, growling when she saw his amused smirk.

"We're walking. You need to stop being so lazy all the time, sis." He let out a small chuckle and patted her head. Her only response was some nonsense grumbling under her breath that Akio neither knew nor wanted to know what was being said.

"Fine. But first, how far is this damn place? Because anything over..." She thought for a moment, wondering where she should put her limit. "Let's say five." She nodded to herself. " Yeah. Anywhere further than five miles and I'm not walking." She glared daggers at him, which would have looked quite ferocious if his sister wasn't so much smaller than he was.

Akio laughed and patted her again, beginning to walk. "You're in luck! It's not far, c'mon." He called over his shoulder.

She sighed, trailing after him. It wasn't long before the two sibling's we're walking the sidewalks of the busy city. Cars roaring by, giving Akua a slight headache. She hated loud noises. Her brother walked on, acting like a child as he admired the things in the windows of stores. Pretty soon she lost sight of him.

"Shit." She mumbled frantically, whipping her head around in search for him.

"Hey! Little girl!" A voice called. Akua ignored it, figuring it wasn't for her, as she was an adult.

"Hey," the voice came again, this time with a tap on the woman's shoulder to accompany it. "What're you doing all alone?"

Akua turned around, seeing a scruffy man with a beard that went to his shirt collar and a low ponytail. Akua scoffed lightly. Even if this person wasbjust being nice and trying to help, it really annoyed her when people thought she was a child.

"For your information, I am twenty-eight years old. I am an adult and if I'm alone it is in my full rights to b-" her ranting was cut short by a hand over her mouth. She quickly realized it was her brothers'.

"Okay, jeez..." The man gave Akio an apologetic look and turned to walk off.

"Look sis, I get it, you don't like it when people call you short. But be nicer about it, please." Akio sweat dropped and removed his hand from Akua's mouth. She grumbled something and nodded her head grudgingly.


Around forty minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant Akio had in mind. It wasn't fancy, but it was cozy. Soft, comfortable seats and the smell of pancakes made Akua relax. A small, contented smile formed on her lips as she silently ate her food.

"Jeez, you could try to be social. You're always so quiet." Akio's annoying voice cut through the peace.

"Shut your trap. I'm eating." Was Akua's only response.


A couple of hours later, the two sibling's arrived back at Akua's house. It was early afternoon, and Akio had to go pick up Hana and his children from their parents' house.

Akua waves him bye as he pulled out of her driveway. She sighed, looking at her mailbox

Maybe I got something interesting.. Akua thought as she walked over to it. She opened the small box, gasping when she saw where the envelope on top was from.



Hey y'all! Sorry if it was kinda boring, I really tried! I just couldn't think of anything interesting for the first chapter lol. It'll start getting better from here, so I hope you'll bare with me! Love you guys!

✰ℍ𝔼𝔸𝔻 𝕆𝕍𝔼ℝ 𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕌𝔻𝕊✰(𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐎𝐂)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin