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Your name is Janice McLier.

The Sorting Hat would have been spot on by sending you to Ravenclaw or maybe even Gryffindor. Your cleverness and your mind are very well developed with you, be proud of it! You would do anything for your friends and your courage is simply unstoppable.

Your childhood best friend was Ron Weasley. Through him, you get to know Harry and Hermione and together you embark on adventures in the fight against Lord Voldemort and for your freedom.

Your father works as a healer at St. Mungo's and your mother works as an Auror, so your parents weren't always at home and you took care of your siblings Abby, who is two years younger and was sent to Gryffindor house, and your younger brother Matt, he later ends up in Ravenclaw, but you got along just fine.

School is very important to you and together with Hermine you have already set up one or the other study club, but you don't exaggerate.

Everything always goes well for you, but all of a sudden everything seems to tip and take a turn... Because, as is well known, feelings cannot be influenced...

And here it comes, your story:

"Quick.. fetch... Prof. Snape.." Dumbledore sighed, clutching the railing of his office with his burned hand. I was paralyzed and could hardly move. What had just happened was bad enough. The Dark Mark blazed over Hogwarts and yet it seemed like nothing had happened. Harry pulled me by the wrist to the small spiral staircase. We dived down and were about to rush out of the room when a door banged open above us. We jerked to a halt and Harry pulled me aside and hugged me while telling me to be silent. Butterflies rose in my stomach but I had to ignore them. What was going on up there? Suddenly someone stepped onto the small grate above us and Harry mumbled, "Malfoy.!" and I followed his gaze. Now I recognized him too. Draco stood trembling on top of the bars and kept his wand trained on Dumbledore.

Harry and I exchanged a startled look when suddenly more hooded figures entered Dumbledore's office. Harry pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and pulled it on.

"Stay here!" he ordered me and crept up the few steps. I couldn't see him but knew he was up there somewhere. My heart was pounding in my throat. I had my hand on the doorknob so I could flee if they spotted me, but I never did. The door next to me jumped open. I remembered that I cried out in horror, then I heard someone shout "Petrificus Totalus!" and the next moment I was lying frozen on the cold tiles and it was no longer possible for me to move. I could hear voices but couldn't see much. I heard Snape come into the room, Dumbledore saying his name before shouting "Avada Kedavra!" and a flash of green light stretched before my eyes. Who died there? I heard Malfoy whimper, and heard a great deal of confusion upstairs, but I didn't hear anything from Harry.. from Harry.

Suddenly a Death Eater took me over his shoulder and ran out of the room with me I was kidnapped. I wanted to scream, and fight back, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. Curses shot from the Death Eaters' wands, destroying pictures, windows, and anything else that got in their way. My kidnapper had his mask on. I couldn't make out who it was. We ran out of the castle, and down to Hagrid's hut, which was on fire. I saw a tall, portly, bearded something charging into the woods and assumed it was Hagrid. Suddenly, I heard Harry's voice yelling, "Stupor!"

And my kidnapper turned around. I could see Harry outside the castle gates, throwing wild curses at Snape, but Snape deflected them and raced down to Hagrid's hut, Bellatrix in pursuit. When Harry spotted me on a Death Eater's back, I heard him call my name, but I couldn't answer. I was still as stiff as a board. I heard Harry throw curses at my pursuer, but he couldn't catch them, he couldn't do anything.

[his point of view]

You kidnapped her? No, this could not be!

I chased after him in panic, in the middle of the cold night. No idea where my run would end, but they weren't allowed to cross the borders of Hogwarts.

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