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Fan decided they could continue their search for taco tomorrow and he went to his room to sleep.

Cabby sat on his bed, a file In hand, and a sour expression as she wrote in it.
"So, what did I do to you. Why would you.."

"It doesn't matter."
Fan plopped down on his bed and turned away

"Everything matters. No matter where we go. If one thing messes up it all falls apart! Everything is connected, fan. So again I ask. Why?"

Fan wracked his mind for some sort of explanation, to make her shut up

"I- you uh.. she loved you. I know she did, but I can't let that happen. I'm so sorry."

"But you aren't, are you fan? If you were, you wouldn't have done it again."

"I don't want to do this."

"Then stop!"

"NO! No. Please just leave me alone.'

"I was going to go home. Test tube let me go. I was almost free. I don't understand why you feel the need to ruin lives like that."

Tears fell from fan's eyes. He couldn't quite place what he was feeling.

"I'm not doing this anymore." His voice wobbled as he tried to be stern

"So now you choose to feel guilty? Because it's useless now."

Fan quickly got angry, still in tears
"Stop it!"

"Or was your guilt fake all along?"

"Stop I said stop. Please."

"Why should I?"

Fan got up and walked towards cabby

"Why are you mad? You got almost everything you want. You won the game!"

"Shut up.. I said stop." His expression softened for a moment

Cabby looked at fan, rage reflecting in her eyes
"You're pathetic. Killing people who had no fighting chance, is that how low you'd go?"

Fan went to punch cabby, but he ended up punching a hole in the wall.
The part he punched caved in and crumbled a bit on impact .

Cabby wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere near. Fan took his hand out of the wall and shook it off. He walked back to his bed and flopped down, the cold moonlight reflecting into his eyes.

Test tube was walking outside. She knew she wasn't getting a full prospective of what was going on.
Something in her urged that there was more.

She neared the top of the cliff, shining a flashlight around. Every bit of blood was still there, shining a dull crimson on the grass. She shone her light on the grass, and that's when she noticed something really shiny, stained with the same red. She walked towards it, finding out it was a knife. She got out a plastic bag and put the knife in it.

Soon she found herself looking off the cliff, where mic had fallen. She noticed some things she had skimmed over.. so she walked down  and starting looking around the scene.

The scent of lemons lingered in the air, and there was two marks parallel to each other.. right outside of where mic had fallen.. seems as if this person was the one who tried to do cpr on mic.
The distance of the marks suggested that they were legs, digging into the ground to stay planted. But it also seemed as if the person was a bit short, as the prints were super close to the sides of mics body..
Test tube took notes on this .

-access to knives
-free 12- 2 am
-some sort of motive, anger?

-really strong lemon smell
-desperate, possible lover?
-lackluster medical knowledge.

Test tube finally felt satisfied with the information and went to enter the hotel, through the back door as she didn't want to alarm anyone. 

She saw a glob of gray liquid, steaming, it had an unnatural smell of acid and cooked meat. It bubbled slowly
She pulled out a vial, and scooped up the liquid to take it to her lab.

"I'm going to get this right. I can't let.. whoever killed her.. run free."

Test tube spent the night in her lab, running DNA tests on evidence, and observing her notes
She made a list of people who it obviously wasn't, not including herself of course

Oj and paper
Knife and pickle
Trophy and cheesy
III contestants

She couldn't come up with many people, but she got the obvious innocent people down, the ones she needed evidence on had questions next to them, but she'd bring that up when she actually started interviewing people. She was the only one she could really trust with interviewing..

The sun seeped in through fan's closed blinds, today he was meant to go interview taco. He quickly got ready, and went to get knife
He knocked hastily on knifes door
"Ughh what." It seemed like knife had just woken up

"Taco, we've gotta interview her, we gotta go!"

Knife let out a heavy sigh and nodded.
The two stopped by the kitchen to get some pop tarts and then they ran into the forest
They decided to split up. A stupid decision, but it'd be okay. Fan looked up and around trees, looking for taco. Soon he saw a stump.  A bush shook nearby, and he heard someone sobbing out in the distance.

He walked towards the noise and found out the cause. Taco. She was leaning back on a tree, she was crying.


Taco jumped up and looked at fan in horror. Almost as if she knew what he did. She calmed herself down.

"Oh, uh fan was it? Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too? Uh.. can you follow me?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Me and knife are interviewing people, we want to interview you."

Taco looked a bit shocked
"Hm. Sure.."
Fan grabbed taco by the arm and started shouting for knife

Once they found him, they started interviewing Her in the forest.

"Where where you at 12 30 am?"

"I was preparing a spot for a meetup I was meant to have at six."

"It was about 3 am, I walked out. I saw mic at the bottom of the cliff. I even saw a glimpse of who pushed her off. I tried to revive her via cpr."

Fan looked at her, shocked
"Why'd you-"

"We need to find the actual killer, I've no time to mourn, we need them to face their crimes."

Knife chimed in "says you."

Taco glared at him, clearly dead serious and intent on catching the killer.
Fan shook in place, either from the cold breeze,or just fear of getting caught.

(Sry for this being late, I've been too tired to focus)

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