bad thoughts

872 19 67

It was five in the morning, rain pounded against the grass, but test tube sat in her lab, observing the new guinea pigs she had gotten, there were three of them, but as to not get confused, she had dyed their fur different colors

S1 was a bright blue
S2 was a dandelion yellow
S3 was firetruck red

The three ran around in their tiny cage, messing up the bedding.
Test tube decided she had written enough about these extremely boring subjects, and so she got a sudden idea.

Since fan had drank one of her experiments, she could call him in for questions every... Sunday?
She had just enough time to write some questions to ask him, to see how his reactions might grow over the week

OTHER INFO: drank emotion enhancer
TEST: ask the following questions, in different ways. record answers.
1 what's something that you hate
2 something that hurt
3 something you love

She would either change or expand on these as the weeks pass by. A part of her felt like testing on fan was immoral, but it wasn't her fault he drank that potion, it wasn't her fault that the bottles looked so similar she switched them out. Ok maybe it was, but she couldn't turn back time now. Well she could but that's besides the point.

She texted fan, telling him to come to her lab, but she knew it would be a while so she decided to tidy up the files and notes everywhere
She grabbed two files, C-48 and F-4, she lied the two on her desk, clearing everything else off.

At some point, she decided to go to the lower floor of her lab.
Thing about her lab is.. it wasn't always a lab, a couple years back she had bought it as it was a huge abandoned mental hospital. She had the upper half demolished and buried the rest under a vending machine. But since it was a hospital before, there were rooms in the lower floors.

they were dusty from the lack of use, and so test tube thought she might as well try and fix it, out of pure boredom.
She got out a mop and started cleaning the thick layers of dust, dirt, and possibly blood.

After an hour or so of cleaning the old decrepit halls, she heard a scream come from the main part of her lab, upstairs.

Fan had gotten the text, but of course he didn't know exactly how to answer. Every reply he had come up with was either too enthusiastic or too bland. He knew it was just a stupid text, but you can pick up a lot from how someones texting you!

Not really.. he just didn't want any misinterpretation, so instead of texting back or calling, he decided to just go to the lab.

He screamed as he fell down into the lab and landed as gracefully as ever, meaning his face broke his fall. Footsteps came up the stairs, and fan quickly got up, dusting himself off

"Oh! Fan, I didn't expect you to be here so soon!"

"Ah- sorry? I could come back later if-"

"No, no I just wanted to ask you a few questions, to check in on you."

"Hm? Okayy" fan sat on a swivel chair facing test tube

"Well, uh- what's something that went wrong about today?" Test tube questioned, making sure the question came out casual as possible

"Well, I set up two people, and they ended up yelling at each other.. but other than that nothing really happened?" fan said, kicking his legs

Test tube wrote on her clipboard, noting it as unimportant.

"Okayy.. Something that hurt you?"

"Falling, I burnt myself from breakfast.. That's it I think?"

Another note, still unimportant

"This is the last one, tell me about something you like"

Fan hesitated
"I like.. Uh scones? Just the diversity between the selection they have the blueberry, the raspberry, strawberry, pumpkin even, which is basically a friggin' squash-"

Test tube noted how he nervously ranted, fumbling about his words. She knew he was lying, but with no idea why, she couldn't call it out.
"Ok, fan, that's all i needed, thanks"

"Uh why- ok?"

Test tube put the file up and went downstairs, trusting that fan would leave the lab once he knew she was done with her little interview.

Fan stood by the counter, confused as to why test tube had gone, it'd be weird if he followed, so he naturally stayed behind. He looked around the lab

"Hey fanoramaa"

"That's a new one- what's up?"

"Look at this! "
Lightbulb stood by a counter, pointing to a file labeled

"I really shouldn't..." fan said, walking over to lightbulb .

"It's not like you'll get caught.. So.."

Fan sighed "fine."
He opened the file and read about how test tube wanted to make cabby her subject..
Maybe he could help..

He heard test tubes footsteps coming up the stairs
Fan grabbed the file and got out of the lab as fast as he could.

He went to the hotel, and hid the file in his room, under his pillow. Once he came out, he started to look for oj.

Eventually, he ran into tissues, who sneezed on him.

Fan took tissues sleeve and wiped is arms with it, not caring that tissues was apologizing

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell-"
Fan felt way more guilty than any normal person would, he just yelled at someone for an illness they couldn't control. What a dick huh?

"Uh fan?"

His eyes snapped towards tissues

"You're-" tissues sneezed into his arm "you okay?"

Fan tensed up
"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
He tried his best to sound calm

".. Whatever. "
Tissues walked to his room, almost tripping over himself.

Fan sighed, letting himself relax before getting back to his task.
He looked outside, and immediately saw a huge pool party, oj had to be there

I looked around the crowd and saw oj hanging out with his husb- boyfr- friend? They hadn't told anyone anything about their relationship.
Fan speed walked over, and tapped on ojs shoulder

"Oh, hey what do you want? "

"Well I was wondering if I could borro-"

"Sure, just don't break it" oj shrugged

Fan ran off to the boat

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