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Fan looked at taco
"We'll let you in the hotel, so we can finish our investigation."

She seemed shocked, but quickly returned to normal
"Thank you"

Knife huffed, but he didn't say anything.

The three walked to the hotel, deciding to go through the back door, making sure that nobody noticed them.

As they walked down to the fff room, fan stopped walking "wait. How are we hiding you taco? Aren't you interviewing people too?"

"I'm not interviewing, I need you to get everyone out of their rooms, so I can search for evidence."

Fan tensed up for a second, knowing about the blood soaked clothes in his trash, and the slight red tint his shower had gained from mics blood
"Uh- when?"

"How about.. 9 pm. That's when the party starts right? Just make sure nobody comes upstairs."

Fan nodded quickly
"Sorry, I've gotta go update my blog!"
He ran upstairs, almost tripping three times, and then swerved into his room.
He took a deep breath and locked his door .

He wrapped up his trash bag and climbed down from his room, dragging his stuff to the Ocean separating the two islands he had been competing on.
He threw the bag into the water and watched as it sank.

As he was heading back he decided that he should probably stop at the store. He walked around and bought some bleach and white paint for his shower. he also put a candy bar in his pocket on the way out of the store. He ran to the hotel and stopped below his window to catch his breath.
He heard something splashing in the water and quickly climbed up to his window. He looked out to the water and saw someone tall in a boat.

Fan slammed his window closed and ran to his bathroom with the cleaning supplies. He thought about test tube and all that he had done for her.. but after all of that, she still couldn't be bothered to love him. He'll get himself to be loved by her eventually. He just needed more patience.
He sprayed the bleach and started scrubbing, watching the bubbles turn red, no matter what he did it seemed to him that there was still a faint trace of red. So he scrubbed harder.


He added more pressure as he tensed at cabbys voice

"Don't ignore me."

A shiver shot up his body as he felt his arm about to buckle from the pressure of his scrubbing

"You monster. ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT !"

Fan flinched, causing him to fall on his face. He backed into a corner and looked at cabbys cold glare

"What?! What could you possibly want?" Fans voice cracked as he shouted at her

"I want you to come clean. Admit what you did."

Fans heart dropped
"No. I'm not."

"What do you mean your not?! You have no reason to keep doing this , I'm sure test tube loves you already!"

"She never loved me, she loved YOU. and microphone. You don't understand how I felt, I knew you'd replace me. So I helped myself."

"I don't understand your sob story? No. Listen up you buffoon. You don't get what it's like to have your life taken away from you. I had just gotten free, and then you come along and RUIN my one chance of a good happy life."

Fan rinsed the blood down the drain.

"Well, I'm the only one who can decide what happens. Because guess what? Your dead! You can't do anything but watch." Fan shook his head and dusted off his hands before he exited his room, he gave the cleaning supplies to soap as a gift.

Test tube woke up with a jolt as her DNA test results of the grey stuff got printed out. She stretched and walked over to the machine, but before she saw the results, she got distracted by someone knocking on her door. She opened it to see lightbulb looking very cheerful.

Test tube laughed

"Guess who just came from the island!"


"Huh? Oh, no, it's painty!"

Test tube immediately lightened up
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go see them!"

The two went downstairs to see a small crowd gathered around paintbrush. Lightbulb ran down the stairs to hug paintbrush, test tube followed close behind
"OMG PAINTYY! we missed you!"

"Woah, hi lightbulb!"
Paintbrush laughed

Test tube walked up
"So what got you eliminated?"

"Silver. I don't know whats wrong with him.. he just changed plans and got everyone to vote me out. I almost beat him up but candle decided to be protective."

"I knew he was trouble. Well I'm glad you're back"

"Oh, wait I've got an announcement- oj?"

Oj walked over
"What is it?"

"Can I use the intercom? It's really important."

Oj seemed shocked but led paintbrush off to the security room.

The intercoms gave a small beep as they turned on
"Everyone, please be extra careful, mephone has been glitching, and I don't know if he can recover people."

Test tubes heart dropped and the happy energy of the hotel dropped to fear and dread.

She felt overwhelmed as everyone whispered to each other and the crowd's volume grew.
Test tube felt overwhelmed, tears blurred her vision and she clutched her head. Her legs almost buckled, but instead of falling down she ran upstairs to her lab. Her head pounded with the realization that microphone wouldn't be back. she wiped her tears roughly and quickly took the DNA results of the acid. 

It was cabby.

Test tube slammed the paper down on a table and went over to a corkboard
She quickly threw some stuff on it to visualize the situation

Test tube slammed the paper down on a table and went over to a corkboard She quickly threw some stuff on it to visualize the situation

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

She looked down the twos list of enemies, and only one lined up.. fan..
But she couldn't just.. accuse him! She needed evidence. Undeniable evidence.

Fan snuck out of the lab, knowing test tube was on his case.. he needed to throw this off somehow.

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