#9 bsm niall

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Niall (age 7): "Ni look!" My little sister yelled pointing at a dead bird outside the studio. "Leave it alone." I told her. She ignored me and picked it up. "Drop it and come here now!" I said sternly. She obeyed and came over to me. I immediately brought her to the bathroom and washed her hands, giving her a lecture about why not to play with dead animals. "Come on, let's go see the boys." As soon as the words left my mouth she eagerly opened the door and followed my to the boys. She was well behaved for the rest of the day and I could only hope it would last, because I had to drag her with me to the studio for the rest of the week. She started throwing up the next day, so I took her to the doctor and they told me it was the flu. I had no choice, but to bring her to the studio and just keep her seperate. The next day, we were all sitting in the studio, just messing around, when Paul came in with my little sister. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Ni, I feel funny." She replied weakly. "What do you mean?" I asked, but I never got the chance to respond. She collapsed onto the floor, seizing. I ran over to her, while Paul called 999. As soon as I touched her, I realized she was burning up, horribly. I felt so helpless. All I could do was hold her and try to calm her down. The ambulance came and they rushed her to the hospital. By the time we arrived Greg was also there and by her side in an instant. Her blood pressure was low, her heart rate was very high, and she had a fever of 107. They had no idea what was wrong with her, but they knew it wasn't the flu. They found a swollon lymphonode on her groin, so they told us they had to perform an ultrasound. Greg and I were allowed to go in with her. As soon as the machine touched her, she screamed in agony. I once again felt the overwhelming helplessness, as all I could do was rub her hair and whisper to her. Even after the ultrasound, the doctors had no idea what was wrong with her. They told us that they were sending her to the childrens hospital, because they would have a better idea what was wrong with her. Greg and I drove to the hospital, following the ambulance carrying my sister. "Please tell me she's going to be alright." I begged him. "She will be. We're going to get to the doctor and they are going to tell us what's wrong with her and she's going to get better." He replied. I sighed and tried to get some sleep before we got to the hospital. She was still very sick, but she was stable when we arrived and they put her in the intermediate care unit for monitering, until some tests came back. Greg and I were sitting in her room with her and I was singing to her, when she whispered to me, "Niall, am I going to die?" My breath caught in my throat and I looked at Greg for an answer. I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth. "No sweetie. You are going to be just fine I promise." He grabbed her left hand while I grabbed her right. "I love you." She whispered weakly. "We love you, too." I replied. It felt good to hear her voice again, until she started seizing again. It was much worse, so bad that she stopped breathing. I yelled for someone to help. Nurses came rushing in and pushed Greg and I back. They were yelling and rushing about, I couldn't tell what was going on. A while later the doctor came in and explained that she has gotten worse and is in a coma, but she has come up with a diagnosis. "The bubonic plague, as in the black death, that disease that killed millions of people in the middle ages?" I asked incredulously. "Yes, but it is much more treatable now. You said that your sister picked up a dead bird, correct?" The doctor asked. I could only nod. "We will begin treatment immediately and things look promising." She said, before leaving us. When she was gone it was just Greg and I with my sister hooked up to all these machines that were the only thing keeping her alive. "It's all my fault." I cried. "I wasn't paying attention and this is all my fault." "No, there was no way you could've known. It doesn't matter. She's going to be okay. You need to get some sleep. I will wake you if anything changes." Greg told me, passing me a blanket and pillow. I did as he asked, finally getting some sleep. A few days later my sister woke up. I couldn't stop the tears of joy. I hugged her and kissed her repeatedly, never wanting to let go. We explained to her what happened and she seemed like she understood. "I'm never going to touch another birdie again." She informed us seriously, making us laugh. "Good!" I told her. A week and a half later, once she had regained all her strength, she was released. Once we got home, she started to go to her room, but I picked her up and carried her into mine. "Will you sleep with me?" I asked her. She nodded and climbed into my bed, curling up against my chest. There was no better feeling than being able to hold my little sister safe in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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