Hiatus Mode

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Hey guys, Fenris here.

I have an announcement. I have to take a break from 101 Ed Street fanfic. Now don't get me wrong, I probably will continue it later. The problem is that I have commissions and I haven't been working on them for a while. And for some reason, I feel real... Well sad to say apathetic towards the fanfiction I've/I wrote. Maybe a lack of motivation or procrastination is some sort of a jerk to my head.

Another note. I really appreciate your ideas I really do, but I feel as if you were too lazy or not confident enough to even work on them. Now it may sound harsh, but even so, doesn't mean you can't have anything to worry about. Perhaps you can write mini-chapter ideas instead. I am also kinda worried about Windows 11 update. Why is it that I am working on a fan game with RPG Maker MV and it works on Windows 10 only.

I also had thoughts about giving up working on 101 Ed Street and letting it on adoption. I wasn't working on this fanfic ever since I had comic commissions. With no script of how many pages and another comic commission doesn't even think about the script, because the commissioner just wants to thought the dialogue AFTER the storyboard. It makes me feel slightly annoyed, but whatever I guess.

Chakra The Rise of Darkness is the main project I need to work on, because I don't want Windows 11 to be updated just yet. I also had paranoia that if Windows 11 will be released and Microsoft forced everyone to join Windows 11 and the project will never be finished. From now on my main project will be Chakra The Rise of Darkness. I apologize for it, but either another project succeeds or there won't be ANY time for it.

So I apologize in advance, but 101 Ed Street has to be put on hiatus. Long, Short I don't know. I created this fanfic to some people to at least create some other 101 DS x EEnE Fanfics instead I only get ideas and ideas. Sure it's cool thing, but it makes me feel as if I was a tool for creating fanfics or just someone who is THE ONLY ONE who can write this fanfic.

Again I'm sorry if this sounded like a Rant, but this is how I feel towards it. All I wanted to do with this fanfic was just encourage others to write 101 DS x EEnE fanfics, but like I said I only get ideas.

But I really appreciate it you were reading this fanfic. I may not be able to encourage many people to write a fanfic of 101 DS x EEnE, but at least it was fun to give you all laughs and shenanigans of Eds and Dalmatians.

This was Fenris

Signing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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