Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 ━━ Unmasked

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Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud. This is hers. The last two weeks without him is purely a dark era to Ravenna, sulking in despair. She can literally feel Dream's younger sister laughing at her misery, thriving in it. 

Razor blades pierces Ravenna's chest at the memory of his voice, his eyes, his touch... but she is still here. She is alive and misses him in ways that not even words can understand. 

Ravenna pulls out a sketch from a safe corner of her bedside drawer. A drawing of hers, to be exact. Looking freer and happier than she ever remembers the feeling. The curve of her lips, the sparkle in her eyes, even the tiny mole beneath her ear... He has captured it all in exquisite, painstaking detail, and looking at her through his eyes, she believes she is the most beautiful woman in the world. 

Perhaps she loves Dream's drawing so much not only because he is the artist, but because it immortalises a version of herself she will never be again. She wishes to be that happy, carefree woman again. But she isn't. Not anymore. 

Ravenna sighs and gently rolls the sketch up before carefully tucking it into a box with her other stuff as most of her things are boxed, ready to move out. 

Suddenly, an unfamiliar dull feeling dominates her body. She tightly shut her eyes as her hand goes to her mouth before hurrying to the attached bathroom. Just as she reaches the sink, a thick rush of fluid fills her mouth and she spills out, falling to splash into the sink. She does this twice, A sharp winy stench filling the cool air. 

One second her breakfast is where it belongs. Then everything in her middle seems to go into reverse, and there is her breakfast in the sink. 

Panting for breath, Ravenna tries to recover from her nasty situation and washes her mouth, desperately trying to get rid of the acidic taste stuck in her mouth. 

Her gaze briefly meets her reflection of the mirror. The bags under her eye are more prominent than ever and she is having a hard time recognising the person looking back at her. She walks downstairs to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water before gulping it down. That is when she hears the doorbell ringing. 

"What on devil's deal is going on?" Cedric asks, just as Ravenna opens the front door and lets him stroll in. 

"Hello to you too, Ric." She greets him with a small smile. 

"Bullocks, you look like shit. Haven't you ever heard of skincare routine, eh?" Cedric jokes, trying to cheer her up, only to feel bad at the end and pull her into a tight embrace. "Do you miss him?" 

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