A Love Interest

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Jakar left the field and started walking farther away.... Encardo said nothing as he and the young mechanic, Jak spent no time getting the name of, and Serphinea walked calmly after him. He needed to be alone but he didn't have the guts to say any different to her. Why? He wasn't entirely sure....

He kept walking.... and walking.

Even through his exhaustion, he kept walking. What was he looking for? He had not a clue.... but the landscape was starting to slightly change from hard packed dirt, to loose sand.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this." He said as he came to a stop at the edge of the desert. "I know you wanted to help... "

"Jak... " She said softly and walked up beside him. "No matter, you helped me train and shoot, I help you with your Dragon."

Jak shook his head now, and didn't look at her. "Its pointless now. She is truly gone like everyone had said she was."

Serphinea sighed and touched his arm. "I didn't say that... and you haven't --"

"Haven't gone looking for the chip, I know." He finished her sentence and turned towards her. "But Serphinea. Its pointless. I have no idea where to start looking for the tiny chip that's no bigger than a quarter shaped as a square." He added and then looked down again. "Its pointless. Its not like they can track it after I modified it."

She was quiet and just stepped closer, softly placing her hand on his arm.... he didn't shrug her off. "I'm sorry, Jak.... " She said, her voice soothing...

He looked up at her again, and before he knew what he was doing, softly reached up and tilted her chin up .. He studied her features, her eyes watching his back .... He gave a slight smile..

"You've been helpful through it all ..." Jak whispered softly. Was this something he had been meaning to ask all along? He didn't know just like he didn't know what compelled him to take another step towards her and, keeping her chin up, softly placed his lips against hers... She jolted back for a minute, but his grip on her chin kept her there, and she soon relaxed and let herself kiss him back.

Warm. Gentle. Easy...

Jak liked those words and he pulled back to look at her. "And through all this time that you've helped me... I began to notice one thing: how much I was starting love something, someone, else besides my lost Dragon."

Her eyes widened a little, before a soft smile coated her lips and she stepped close too, wrapping her arms around his shoulders after trailing her finger tips up his arms. "That's nice to know.... because, Jakar ... I loved you since the first day you helped me with my pistol firing."

He gave a soft smile, and hugged her back, his arms slowly wrapping around her waist after letting her chin go. "Oh... what do you say to this?" Then he stopped on purpose.

She furrowed her eyebrows and waited for him to continue but noticed he didn't. He chuckled softly and reached up and used two fingers and rubbed out the furrow.

"Don't do that, it doesn't suit you, plus you don't want it to stay and you begin wrinkling early..." he chuckled softly...

She snorted and pushed away from him and crossed her arms. "Then what were you going to say? If you would've just said it, I wouldn't have done that in the first place."

He laughed harder... then sobered out at her look. "That we go back to my father's, so I can gather some things, go get my name changed and leave this place forever... you and me."

Serphinea watched him a moment, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea...." She smiled and stepped close again, before kissing him softly again....

He smiled, and kissed her back softly, "Mhm.... maybe in a little bit ..." He purrs and holds her closer.

"Maybe... " She chuckled and agreed...staying close....

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