Becoming Elite

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Jakar woke that morning with a feeling of greatness. Today was the flying test that would assure that they got the top spot in the Elite Mechanation Force. He was ecstatic about it, and he knew his Dragon was too.

She loved to fly. And hated being dormant the most.

Jakar got himself up from bed and quickly dressed in his signature black riding jeans, and added a black tshirt with that. Next added was the black leather jacket that supported some earned medals on its lapels and side arm. It also was designed for extreme warmth as well as wind resistance. Because you got to know that flying as high as any machine could, Dragon flying was a dangerous endeavour not only for the beast, but for the Rider as well. Except the Riders weren't called "Riders."

Those were more known as "Commandeers."

And Jakar was a very good Commandeer to Enstrali 118. But he just called her Enstrali because classification numbers mattered not to Jakar and his love for flying..

He ran downstairs, all but skipping to the table as his good natured mother laid out food for the young man. Jakar, Jak for short especially to his mother and father, was twenty two but his mother didn't care that he stayed with them throughout his Commandeer training. He had been following his father's footsteps, and his grandfather's, and great-grandfather's before him.

Commandeering was an art in the Vendretta family. Though, the day and age where women were not allowed to fly, was quite prevalent still. His mother always wanted to fly but got told no so many times she sometimes secretly did it with his father. Jak found that funny, but knew he'd do the same if ever he got a wife and had a daughter.

But then again, no one liked the hot-headed and ambitious young Jakar Vendretta. With his dark hair and demeanor that showed he was a little cold. But his eyes... the dark brown showed a prowess and determination. What was Jak so determined for?

His mother smiled at him and ruffled his hair as he took a hearty bite of scrambled eggs. He growled softly around the food and glared at her. She only laughed.

"Eat up ... big day, yeah?" She said and sat across from him, just as his father came into the house, slipping off his own signature leather coat embezzled with way more medals than Jak's.

Jak gave a nod as he chewed and looked to his father, who smiled at him before taking a seat, forcing his mother up from her chair as she quickly put together his breakfast.

His father, Derjet, Dee for short, watched his son eat. Jak finished his bite and set his fork down. "We're going for my test right...?" He asked and shifted in his seat a little, excitement running through the boy.

Dee sighed and watched him. "The weather is bad for the Dragons today. Rook 110 didn't even want to do an aerial check."

Jak nodded before getting up from the table. He didn't like it when his father kept using the classification numbers of the Dragons. "Enstrali will want to fly. She always wants to fly."

Derjet got up quickly. "You are not taking Enstrali 118 out. Its too dangerous! She's young... when you test anyway, you're using Rook 110!" He yelled and even banged his fist on the table.

Jakar was unfazed and looked up at his father flatly. "Enstrali and I are a team. And we will stay that way." He said coolly before he turned and grabbed his riding boots, slipping them on and ran outside to the Platform. The Platform was where all Dragons and Commandeers took off from, as well as where the Dragons stood dormant when not in use.

Jak pulled his coat around him tighter as the wind ripped through him and ruffled his dark hair more. He didn't shiver once as he headed into the building next to the Platform where the Dragons were held.

He was going to fly. Whether his father agreed or not. Jakar was going to fly.
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