Trance Me Once To Relive

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A day or so later, and after a few more meets on the field, he had exhausted all the tips he could give her on how to shoot. Now, today was going to be a different day. She didn't know that he had no more tips about target practice.

He got dressed that morning, and headed outside, he totally skipped breakfast even though his mom shouted at him to sit and eat. He ignored her. Even ignored the glare that he felt his father give him as he ate himself. But Jak didn't care. He really didn't care.

Soon enough, he got out onto the field and met up with Serphinea. She smiled at him, and he waved a quick hand to not pull her gun out. He didn't even have his own on him.

"I have.. a nice favor to ask of you.. " He stated lowly, and watched her carefully for a reaction.

She stood there, and he saw the look of happiness fall from her face. "Oh.. well.. what is it?" She asked just as quietly.

Jakar shifted slightly, and moved a little closer. "Do you.. know anything... about the way the Flyers work?" He asked..

She looked up at him, and shook her head. "No... "

"Well... come on... follow me." He said and turned quickly, heading to a not used back building to where all the machines were. There was no way he was going to bring her back into his house for this. No way whatsoever.

She followed him and he shut and locked the door behind her. It was dark inside but then he walked over to a control panel, typed in a number and soon dim lights lit up the dark room. She was hesitant as she looked around.

"Uhm.. here why?" She asked and shifted slightly.

He sighed softly, before he started his tale, she needed to know everything. "Well... you know about my accident, correct?" She nodded slowly. "So... the Dragons and their Commandeers have a bond ... a Soul, I guess you could call it. Even though I had been knocked out before the crash, she would know what had caused it. What had been the catalyst to make us spin out of control." Serphinea nodded again, intently listening to him. "She would remember.. and since we share this bond.... I can view those memories ... but that is where you come in." He finished, and her eyes seemed to widen a little bit.

"How can I help with that? I can't bring things back from the dead!"

Jak spun away from her before his rage was lashed out at her. Then turned back to her slowly and let out a slow breath. "I want.. need you to put me into a trance. A deep trance.. so I can sift through those memories of hers."

Serphinea nodded and let out a slow breath. "Alright, I .. I can try I guess.... " She said, and he nods before going over to a separate room, that looked kinda like an office, but kind of like one of those psychologist offices too. She follows him in and quietly shuts the door.

Jak turned back to her, and slowly made himself sit on the one supplied couch, no one had used this room in awhile. No one would find them there. She pulled over a chair, and he watched her lithe body move. Was he really starting to love... ? His mind told him otherwise, but his thoughts and appreciation of the other gender was starting to grow immensely the more he stayed around her. She watched him, before reaching up to take off a necklace that was hidden from around her neck... and from there.... she started muttering soft words, like directions... and he soon lost all conscious thought of reality.....

Jak was suddenly Enstrali....

Everything appeared in a kind of sephia tinged world. The way things ran ws definably different from what a human saw. She saw things way differently....

~1st - Memory - Enstrali~
I could feel his connection to my mind. My Rider. My Commandeer. My Jakar. We been through a lot.. we loved storm chasing.. and that was what brings me to the now. We began soaring high as the winds got harsher and the rain pelted us harder. His whoops of excitement made me feel a sense of happiness. But I was a Dragon. A machine. I didn't feel human emotions.

I banked to one side, as debris started flying our way. Through our bond I began to sense his panic, before he spoke it.

"Enstrali...back to Platform..." His voice was steady and I gave a mechanical hurr before turning sharply and fought against the wind to get back to safety. We needed to. We had to. Once my tail was towards the wind, I fought harder. Continually being pelted with rain... I caught a glimpse of flying debris, a smallish rock.. and it was coming right for us. I made another noise, hopefully to warn Jak but as soon as it hit him in the head, he slumped over on my back. I saw blood and I feared the worst for him. My Commandeer was hurt. My warning had been too slow...

Something else drew my attention my attention away, from the distance my eyes calculated and zoomed in. It was Rook... and his Commandeer was pointing and I noticed it was at me... and Rook prepared his strike... I growled but that sight distracted me as the large fireball from within Rook's mechanical workings as a war machine came at me, the wind and force of the tornado pulled me in... I roared and felt myself being thrown. I realized shortly after, Jak had been ripped from my back. I had no idea where he went. But soon enough, the force of impact... I hit something...? Had I been the shot...?

Jak surfaced from her memory and gasped softly.

"I.... I know what did it.... " he muttered softly and stood up. Serphinea watched him... just as he left.

He was going to confront his father. Not so much his father. It was just Derjet now.

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