ᥴꫝꪖρ𝕥ꫀ᥅ 9 || ❁

897 18 24

The months passed and I grew closer to Sophia Rae. She really was an amazing person. She had a lot of sources and ways to help the women in London. Her father is a lord to so she understood me and always knew what to say. We decided to protest against the sexism going on, together because it was easier.
And that day I was meeting up with her too..

„Hi Soph!" I chuckled as I opened the door.
„Oh. You're not Sophia-." I added as I took a close look at the person standing in front of me.

„Yeah I'm not." a brown haired boy said.
„I'm one of her servers and she gave me a letter for you." he added and handed me a letter with my name written on it which seemed weird because the lettering wasn't written in cursive even tho that's how Sophia writes.
I gave the man a confused look and began opening it.

„Thanks for the letter." I mumbled as I closed the door while opening the letter.
The letter wasn't written in cursive either and it just seemed weird.
Dear Y/n,

If you got my letter it means that my servant did a good job but it also means that I'm sadly not visiting you today. I hope you have an amazing day anyways!

I'm sorry

Now that was weird.. her letters usually are miles long and she never really signs with her name at the end.
And that was the first but not only time that I got suspicious at Sophia.
Well that means that I won't have any plans today. I said to myself and turned my back towards the door but in that moment I heard a knock at it.

„Perfect timing." I mumbled as I turned around again and opened the door.

„Indeed perfect timing." Tewks chuckled.

„Tewks! Hi!" I almost yelled because I was really surprised to see him. I hadn't seen him for a month so I almost threw him to the ground as I hugged him, he still was one of my bestfriends after all.

„Woah chill Y/n." Tewks laughed but still hugged me back.

„Sorry." I mumbled as I broke the hug but I still had a huge smile on my face.
„Soooooo how's it going between you and Enola?" I asked as I served him a cup of tea.

„Well it's.. i don't know to be honest. We don't really talk or see each other at the moment because she has a new case to solve." he mumbled and my jaw dropped.

„For how freaking long didn't you see her?" I asked pretty shocked.

„Maybe a few weeks?" he guessed and I facepalmed.

„Man you didn't see your girlfriend for weeks? WEEKS?" I asked him with a disappointed undertone in my voice.

„I just didn't want to disturb her while she's working." he mumbled sheepishly.

„I swear to god I'll kill you NOW." I groaned.
„You will go and ask her on a date NOW." I demanded.

„Okay okay, Y/n! Just chill out please." he said with wide eyes and I shook my head.

„I'll chill out when you asked her."

„I just don't know what to do on a date. I don't want to do anything wrong and I'll need some emotional support." he mumbled and I was confused for a split second.

„Fine you big kid! I'll come with you and hide so Enola doesn't see me." I said and shrugged.

„Thank you! I know it's weird but I'm just really bad at that whole dating thing." he said but his last words turned into a mumble.

„Don't worry, Lord Tewksbury." I said and grabbed my jacket of a hook.

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Tewks gave me a scared look as he knocked on the door of the place where Enola was living. I was hiding behind a bush and just trying my best not to get seen by anyone else than Tewks.
In the moment he looked at me again, the door opened and there was a confused Enola.

„Hello Enola." Tewks chuckled, probably because of the confused look on her face.

„Hello Tewks. What are you doing here?" Enola said with a slight smile on her lips.

„Well you know, we haven't seen each other in a really long time so I wanted to ask you if we maybe could go and have dinner together?" Tewks asked.

„Yeah sure! When?" Enola asked and had a huge smile on her face.

"Today at 6 pm? The rose restaurant?" Tewks asked and seemed happy that she said yes.

"Sure." She answered.
"I'll have to go to work now but I'll see you then?"

"Yup." Tewks said and gave her a short kiss.
"Bye!" He added as he walked down the stairs towards the carriage and I followed him as soon as Enola closed the door of her house.

"She actually sa-" Tewks started but I just looked at him.

"You aren't going on a date looking like that. You need something more elegant and you as a lord should know that." I interrupted him.

"I thought you hate dressing up?" Tewks asked.

"Yeah when I have to do it. But I love torturing other people with forcing them to dress up." I answered and shrugged.
"And now let's go get you ready."

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We spent a whole hour just on picking an outfit for Tewksbury. Like did I ever mention that he's picky as hell about his clothes? No? Well now you know it.
As soon as he looked kind of appropriate for a dinner(he was wearing a beige suit and he put a flower into the pocket of his suit), we started on his hair which didn't take too long.
Then we got into a carriage that would take us to the rose restaurant(which was one really noble restaurant by the way).

"And are you excited?" I asked as we were standing in front of the restaurant.

"I'm dying." He simply answered and I had to laugh at that little comment. Our plan was that Tewks and Enola would take a table and I would stand on the second floor and just look down at them so Tewks wouldn't feel too insecure. I didn't get the sense of me being there too don't worry.
But I was ripped out of my thoughts by Enola's voice.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

Shit- she already was here before I was able to go upstairs and hide..

꧁                   ❀                 ꧂

Word count: 1085 words

Hello luvs! I'm so sorry for not posting for such a long time ;-;
I've just been busy with doing all of the stuff that I missed when I was sick and I also found out that I for accepted for a scholar exchange to France!
It's amazing.
I hope you all are doing Great
I love y'all <3


(Ps: I figured out that I'll add that word count at the end of every chapter now if (I remember) so you can see how many words there are :)
I'll also add it to my previous chapters if I have time the next days but I'm really tired right now and I need rest)

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