stu macher

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"Okay,so I have picked Friday the 13 and Carrie,which one do you want to watch first?" You question holding up the two movies towards your boyfriend stu macher

"Carrie " stu answered and you nodded going over to put the movie on as the Bell ringed and stu went and answered

It was the pizza guy,stu paid for the pizza before closing the door and walked back into the living room holding the pizza and putting on the table as you sat next to him as he opened the pizza box

Both of you grabbed a slice of pizza as the movie started ,from the corner of you're eye,you noticed that stu had sauce on the side of his cheek and you chuckle making him turn to you with a confused look

"What?" He asked and you shook you're head "'re just so adorable " you said lifting your hand and wiping the sauce off his cheek with you're thumb and stu smiled at you before kissing you

Both of you pulled away and continued eating and watching Carrie
During the movie

You both finished eating and now you were leaning your head on stu's shoulder as he put an arm around you

"Stu" you called out his name "hmm" stu hum in acknowledgment "you won't leave me right?" You asked

"Where did this come from?" Stu asked and you lifted up you're head looking at him as he was already looking at you

"I don't know but you won't leave me right stu?" You asked again "I won't leave you y/n" stu told you

"You promise?" Stu nodded "in fact I pinky promise" stu said lifting up his pinky and you smiled before interlocking you're pinky with his "I love you" stu said "I love you too stu"

You wiped a tear that escaped you're eye's as you stood infront of stu's grave,you thought you didn't have any tears left due to crying you're heart out even though stu went on a murdering rampage with billy,you still loved stu and you didn't care that he was a killer

A small sniffle escaped you and you took a deep breath bending down infront of stu's grave clenching you're fist in you're lap

"I promise to avenge you" you whispered

"Goodbye stu"
387 word's

Sorry for it being so short!

imagines and one-shots of Matthew lillard Where stories live. Discover now