Tim Laflour

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Tim Laflour,he was the weirdest guy you ever met but you had to admit that he was also the hottest guy you ever met

You met Tim in the weirdest way possible,you being in acting class because your bestfriends f/n wanted to be a flim director so you decided to try acting and help her out

But the day you met tim,you were running late for the video shoot and you were dressed as a green alien with six arm's and white balls all over the place,that fell and you had to run back and get them as you ran to the theatric room

You were running and not paying attention to anything around you but you crashed into something(someone) and you fell

You heard a grunt below you and you looked down and came to face with Tim Lafleur who was already looking at you like he just met his person

"Sorry!" You quickly stood up ,the six green arm's moving up and down and some of the white balls clatter on the ground and you helped him up notcing that he was in skates and you gave him a sheepish look before bending down and collecting most of the balls that fell before you stood up again "I'm so sorry " you said before you ran off

Tim watched as you ran and his friend and roommate darryl "you alright?" Tim nodded before bending down and grabbing one of the white balls you left behind "man,you just got attack by an alien ..a hot one at that" darryl said "help me pick these up" Tim said and darryl gave him a look before helping Tim pick up the white ball's


"Oh the great one!how should we live without you!" Your character was killed off ,you were the great one ,the alien queen and they killed you off and you did all that running just to play dead and you lost most of the white balls that you spent most of the night gluing on! And the worst part was that glue sucked

"Can I help you?" You heard your bestfriend f/n asked and you lifted up your head and you saw the guy from before with arm's full of white balls

"Oh um..just returning these to the hot alien" he said moving his arm's to show f/n the white balls but some of them to fell to the floor

"Y/n it's for you" you sat up and stood up and hopped off the sage and walked towards Tim who was struggling to grabbed the other balls without making the other balls fall and you helped him collect it and your hands brushed as you both reached for the last ball and you both looked at each other and unknowing to you f/n started to record the both of you

You both slowly stood up and Tim smiled at you handing you one of the balls and you grabbed it while smiling back at Tim

"Thank.." you trailed off "Tim,I'm Tim Laflour " he said "y/n, y/n L/n" you replied

"And this kid's is how your parents met " you both turn towards your friend f/n who had a grin ,you and Tim shared a look and you both blushed before looking away with a smile

"Uh would you help me..glue the balls back?I mean that didn't sound right-I mean-" Tim chuckle "sure" you smiled and the both of you sat down in the seats with glue in hand

"So uh.."  "so-" you and Tim both started but looked at each other with a small chuckle " you first" you spoke in the same time again

"You go first" Tim quickly spoke "um..I know we just met but would you like to grab some pie with me later?" You asked and Tim smiled "yeah I would love to!I was just about to ask of you actually wanted to get some pie as well" Tim said making you both chuckle

"I guess it's a date" you said and Tim nodded "it's a date"

694 word's!

Sorry for the short one-shot!I promise to make them longer!

Okay vote if you think Matthew lillard as Tim Laflour is hot!

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