Tim Laflour

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Tim was teaching you how to skate but you were failing miserably
"We've only been skating for 20 minutes and I've seen you fall on you're face aleast four time's " Tim said

"You're not teaching me right" you grumble "I've tried to teach you how to skate but you can't go one minute without clinging into my arm ...i think it's adorable " Tim said

"This is really hard Tim!" Tim chuckle " just hold on to me and you won't fall..unless I fall first then you're really screwed " Tim said fake falling and you gripped onto him "Tim!don't do that!" Tim laughed

"You're so cute" he said and you guy's skated for a few more minutes before the both of you decided to take a break and Tim went to get something to drink

"I've got us some hot chocolate but we're gonna have to share because I've got the last cup they had" Tim said taking a sip of the hot chocolate before handing you the cup that you gladly accept

"You know this is embarrassing,five years old skate better then me" you mumble handing Tim the cup after taking a sip "you know I think you'll be able to skate better if you had the magical ice powers " Tim said and you sigh shaking your head

"I don't think I'll be skating any time soon"

imagines and one-shots of Matthew lillard Where stories live. Discover now