TA 14

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You decided not to tell him. You decided to lie.

(Good choice.)

"Yeah, Host. I'd tell you anything." You shot a smile back Host's way, before feeling stupid because he's blind and wasn't narrating, so there was no point in that. 


Host's expression was unreadable.

"...Alright then. The Host tells the Attorney to go ahead now." Host gave a nod, before turning away. "But reminds them once more that they're on dishes duty." You chuckled a little, drily, as he turned his back on you. You felt a sudden cold air of detachment but didn't know if it was from you or Host.

Probably both.

When you turned away to go to the kitchen, you couldn't help but ask yourself if you had done something wrong, or if Host was just thinking. Host was a hard one to figure out, especially when he wasn't speaking. 

(You did nothing wrong this time, Attorney. You made the right choice. A good choice.)

This must be the most Auto has ever said kind things to you. It slightly worried you, but you shook that off and continued. 

After all, it's not like Auto hated you. She still loved you like a sibling. She still loved this family.

So, it shouldn't be TOO weird for her to say something nice, right?


It had been a week.

You were starting to feel... Off. 

Auto had been writing in her book more and more often lately, possibly every night. She hadn't made the same mistake of accidentally showing you a page again. The only reason you could tell she was doing anything at all was the fact that she kept forgetting to turn off the desk lamp. 

You had started making sudden, jerky movements every once in a while. At the worst of times, might I add. Drinking something? Your arm jerks away from your face and the drink spills on your suit. Walking down the stairs? Your leg goes out way too far and makes you miss several steps, setting you off balance and tumbling down the stairs. Host is calling you? You try to hit the green button, but you press the red no matter how hard you try.

You were starting to think Auto was pranking you or something. But even though she giggled when you got yelled at or were cursing about how you had to change first thing in the morning, she didn't seem like the type to pull pranks like that...

Oh, who were you kidding? You definitely thought it was her. It had to be her. That little brat just loved to cause trouble for you. 

Aside from that, not much had happened. You didn't leave the house and did the dishes like you were told all that week. Host seemed to tell that you had had just about enough with the dishes and let you off the hook- for the cleaning part, at least. But now that you were stuck in the house with nothing to do, you were even MORE bored. But still, the days came and went like normal. And even with the weird feeling and movements, you were able to hide it from Host and get used to it all.

Until one day, something new happened.

You had been wandering around the house, cleaning random stuff and just exploring some unused guest rooms you'd never been in. Most of the unused rooms- bedrooms or not- were very old and dusty. You could tell that Dark- when he was still alive- had cleaned the rooms regularly, but hadn't given them fresh layers of paint or disrupted them at all from what they were before he moved in. But with Dark gone, nobody was even taking care of them, so they looked a little more than just outdated.

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