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In the year 1989

A native man can be seen free diving 30 meters down the deep blue sea of a tropical island. As he reached the bottom, two of his companions are trying to carry a 250 pound giant clam. He helped them at once, even though they are struggling to bring the huge oyster above the sea they are managing to do so, smiles can be seen in their faces as they are approaching 3 meters above the sea. Soon, they will reach the top but a deep sea tremor changed their smiles into fear. The giant clam is slowly slipping in their arms but they are strongly holding unto it. But no amount of strength can suffice the underwater earthquake that struck the island. The three men can be seen grappling to swim above the sea as a whirlpool is sucking them up. The giant oyster slipped in an instance and fell in the abyss.

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