Chapter 11: Reflection

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A/N: I had my finals and I was trying to fall back into pattern here, art by edgar-games on dA

Guilt consumed your heart when you glanced at Springtrap who was bloody and panting heavily from his previous fights. It was obvious that he didn't have any more energy to fight again. His gashes were exposed and they wouldn't stop bleeding, however the skin was trying to reattach itself. "Springtrap is tired," You reasoned with the Puppet but he narrowed his cold eyes at you. "Please, give him a break." The least you could do was be polite and beg that he won't try to attack Springtrap or you. After all, fighting a phantom won't be very pleasant.

"He always was," the Puppet responded with a toxic tone. "Always tired." Without even moving from his position, he somehow knee-kicked Springtrap in the stomach and flipped him over, hearing several bones shatter. You sharply inhaled in fear and anger at the phantom's choice of attack.

"Y-You can't stop me-" Springtrap started, but hissed in pain when the Puppet jabbed one of his feet on his stomach, breaking the rib cage in the process to pin Springtrap to the ground. The phantom kept stomping on Springtrap and he kept crying out in pain, making tears stream down your face in horror.

"Stop..." You whimpered out before building your courage, "STOP!" But he wouldn't listen to your pleas. Anger coursed inside your veins and you detached a thin but long and pointy stick from the wall beside you. You swiped your weapon at the Puppet which ended up scratching his arm and torso in an attempt to stop him. The phantom slowly turned to look at you, making you feel more fear rather than anger. Your heart started to pump after he isolated Springtrap's body and started to approach you. Behind both of the males' eyes was hidden surprise at your actions, but it didn't stop the Puppet from being annoyed.

"Why did you stop me if he is the real enemy?!" If the Puppet could change his expression, his sinister smile would turn into an outraged frown.

"I don't know..." you began to ponder, "but I don't care. I don't know why Springtrap is being punished, but it isn't right either to punish him more than you should. Don't you think he had enough punishment?" Your fear and anger got driven away rapidly when you talked to him.

The Puppet only shook his head in denial, "You'll know why soon, (Y/N) (L/N)." He vanished without a trace, making you alert.'How did he even know my name? Don't tell me he looked into the files too...' You jolted in remembrance at why you even dared to attack the Puppet. You dropped your 'weapon' and crouched down to see Springtrap's horrid condition.

"Are you okay, Springtrap?" You held his hand and he plastered a small smile on his face as your fingers intertwined with his.

"Yeah, as long as you're alright then I'm fine." You huffed a bit at his cheesy remark in which Springtrap chuckled weakly to himself.

"Where are the bandages?" You doubt that a horror attraction would have bandages, but it was worth a shot asking.

"I'm fine, I can heal myself thanks to this animatronic body, it takes me a bit to repair but I only heal myself quickly if it's necessary, it takes a lot of energy to do-" He stopped mid-sentence with wide eyes before you tilted your head in confusion at his reaction. Without saying a word, Springtrap got up, but wobbled before you helped him stand him. He grasped onto your shoulder and looked at you. "Run. Get out of the attraction. He's back, and if he sees you-" Springtrap just shook his own head, biting his lips to prevent from saying anything else. He planted a quick kiss on your cheek before shooing you off.

'Was it the same shadow that passed by when I was in Springtrap's arms?' A red tint decorated your face at what you just thought to yourself. You distracted yourself by focusing on the running situation you were in and led your way out of the shrouded-in-darkness attraction. Just as you were about to leave, the 6AM bell echoed throughout the establishment. The doors automatically unlocked and you were able to escape from your own personal hell. You didn't even know why you took the job, you thought it was going to be a boring job, but Fazbear's urban legends won't stop haunting the place. You fixed your (h/c) locks behind your ears and proceeded to embark down the dirt trail, wondering. 'Do I really have a thing for Springtrap?' You gently placed your hand on the cheek that he kissed you on as if the wind would blow it away. 'Do I really have a crush on a tattered animatronic that has the ability to change human? Is this even possible?' You felt your heart race and a blush spreading across your face when you thought of Springtrap. Before your thoughts can get any weirder, a shadow moved in the corner of your (e/c) eyes.

Follow me.

'Shit! Not again!' You turned to look at the shadow whom was purple and resembled Freddy Fazbear in every way. Behind him was an unknown path that you never touched. At the end of the path was a hazy fog blanketing what could be out there. The shadowy bear vanished much like what the Puppet did, repeating:

Follow me.

It wanted you to follow him down that trail? You shook your head and decided to head on home. You didn't trust the shadow, not in a million years. Why was it trying to get your attention anyways? You were just a security guard at a horror attraction, why wasn't it your boss getting these weird visions and dreams? Speaking of dreams, you might have one again once you fall asleep. You knew that it wasn't wise to ignore the dreams, but you didn't quite understand why or what was happening in those visions. It was just so realistic. The outline of your home came into your vision, but you didn't smile, you barely even smiled anymore unless you're around Springtrap.

'Let's see what they have to offer this time...'


You felt bigger. Both your height and weight. You looked down to see yourself as what seems like the golden version of Freddy Fazbear himself. You were placed in front of a stage with children cheering at your companion's singing. 'Springtrap?' Your eyes widened in familiarity. You were behind Springtrap so you peeked over at him to see his face. Springtrap this time looked much more brand new and very fresh from golden paint. You had to admit, despite the cheesy songs his singing was very talented. It was if the place was stuck in a loop which started to annoy you a bit so you jumped off the stage, resulting for you to glitch out and fall off the stage in a slow manner. You passed by the same stage multiple times before landing safely. You were confused and decided to move around to see an EXIT door, making you back up and surprisingly, your body moved up to the roof of the stage. You decided to experiment with this and hop onto other stages and jump off. You thought you were getting nowhere until you jumped off of the tallest stage and landed in an empty room with the same crying child as before. You slowly approached him before a cake spawned in front of the child. The dead kid didn't even change his expression, but just...stared.


'And I was right.' Was the first thing you thought to yourself after you woke up from a vibration from your phone that laid next to your bed. 'It was weird, seeing Springtrap in his younger days... was that the first ever Freddy Fazbear's or something?' You unconsciously grabbed your phone and checked the messages, all sent from Alexander while you were at work. If you even call it work.


Hey nerd, u there??

jk ur not a nerd but are you alright?

answer foo


Why are you ignoring me????

Do you leave your phone????

Ima do something bout this i swear

You turned off your phone and sighed. 'I'm sorry Alex, but knowing Springtrap he might come after you no matter how many times I tell him not to. After all, he's still bipolar but luckily he's slowly rubbing it away when he's with me.' You yawned and stretched, relaxing your muscles from tension. 'I'm gonna take a show-' Your (e/c) orbs shrunk in confusion and gazed at the disaster before you. Your entire room was destroyed, papers and materials falling out of order and even the wall paint was scratched by claws. 'Who the hell did this? I know I'm not the best organizer, but my house wasn't like this? Did someone break in?' No, it couldn't be. No one would bring a pet tiger to claw the walls. What caught your eye was a pattern of scraps leading to your bathroom door. Being in broad daylight made you feel a bit safer at least. You quickly got out of bed, not caring if you were in your PJ's. You quietly made your way to your bathroom and opened the door with anticipation swelling inside you. You peeked inside, expecting something, but there was nothing. Not even a scratch. You groaned, exhausted before turning on the faucet and washing your face. 'That's stupid.' Why would there be nothing here? You wondered as you dried your face with a towel.

Your heart stopped when you looked at the mirror. Instead of seeing a reflection of you, it was replaced with a black shadow with white pupils and grinning teeth. The shadow also had bunny ears sprouting from its head, one being straight and the other bent. You blinked several times, but it didn't go away. "Who are you?" You whispered as you slowly started to back away. Not expecting a response, the shadow chuckled darkly before responding:

"Don't you see, (Y/N)? I'm you."

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