Chapter 10: Run

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A/N: Art by jodakun on tumblr

"Uh, hello? Hello, hello! Uh, there's been a slight change of company policy concerning use of the suits. Um, don't. After learning of an unfortunate incident at a sister location, involving multiple and simultaneous spring lock failures, the company has deemed the suits temporarily unfit for employees. Safety is our top priority at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which is why the classic suits are being retired to an appropriate location, while being looked at by our technician. Until replacements arrive, you'll be expected to wear the temporary costumes provided to you. Keep in mind that they were found on very short notice, so questions about appropriateness/relevance should be deflected. I repeat, the classic suits are not to be touched, activated or worn. That being said, we are free of liability, do as you wish. As always, remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

You didn't even want to turn around, if anything you wanted to ram the chair against their crotch and hope they suffer. A rather cold yet sharp hook pressed itself on your delicate skin that formed your neck.

"So yer' tha' one Springtrap is attached to, eh? No wonder." The deep voice growled under his warm breath.

"Who are you?" You felt the leather, swivel chair turn you around to forcefully face a terrifying fox face with soulless pupils that reminded you of Springtrap. You gasped in horror at his burnt face and tried to bury yourself in your chair but the hook wasn't helping.

"I be Foxy, cap'n of tha' seven seas and tha' most feared of all of tha' pirates," Foxy introduced himself, waving his other arm, which was half-burnt off, "I be watchin' ye' the entire time in tha' toy box." Your eyes shrank in realization, remembering his hook hanging out of the occupied box but you never really gave much thought about it rather than it being spare parts.

"I suggest you back off, fox face," A voice interjected, making you turn your head slightly to see Springtrap in his human form glaring at Foxy from the window. Judging by his expression, Springtrap was both angry and surprised at the fact that the phantom fox appeared before he did.

"Yer' suppose to be punished and ye' should never be happy again, why hang around her when ye' know tha' things ye' love will die," Foxy insulted him right in his face, "We be gettin' rid of tha' things that make ye' happy whether ye' like it or not." Springtrap's gaze hardened at his promise.

"You wouldn't dare hurt my kitten," he threatened him, making you feel a bit relieved that he was trying to save you, but Foxy opened his mouth, revealing all the sharp teeth that ever existed and hovered his mouth over your head, ready to bite. Was he going to bite your head off? You clawed at his hook that trapped you out of instinct, not really wanting to die.

"Let me go!" You spat out at the charred fox before hearing his jaws snap. He didn't bite your head, instead you saw Springtrap tackle the fox to the decaying ground below them. Springtrap pressed Foxy down and punched the phantom, his knuckles didn't even bleed. Foxy snapped his gigantic mouth at Springtrap but he tried to keep Foxy's jaws shut. Out of the corner of your panicked eye, you caught a glimpse of Phantom Freddy limping by in a horrible condition. "Springtrap, we're getting cornered here!" You warned him, but this warning distracted Springtrap as his torn ears perked up and looked at your direction with wide eyes. Foxy took the chance and sliced his jaw with his own hook, pushing Springtrap off with his endoskeleton feet. Phantom Freddy ducked low and rushed into the office with a determined-to-kill-you look.

"N-Now you won't get away t-this time, (Y/N)," Phantom Freddy hissed with his mic in his paws, limping towards you with his rotten teeth exposed. You screamed as the mascot lunged at you. 'What do I do?! What do I do?!' Unconsciously, you swept his feet, knocking him down along with you because of his heavy weight. A distorted noise echoed by the window, followed by the head of the mangled fox staring at you. You quickly stood up and watched the struggling phantom trying to get up.

"Run! Get out of here and try to avoid anyone else you see here!" Springtrap panted while trying to keep Foxy's snapping jaws away from his face.

"But Springtrap-!" You rejected, but he scowled at you.

"GO!" He hissed out as he kicked the snapping pirate off of him. You didn't like his orders, but obeyed nonetheless, and ran down the hall, not noticing that the other phantom fox had vanished. You huffed and stopped for a second, trying to catch precious air, but two figures blocked your path.

"Y-You two! Are you going to try and kill me?!" What a stupid question to the human forms of the Phantom Balloon Boy and Mangle. Both glanced at each other with amusement hidden beneath their white pupils.

"We're not gonna hurt you, not yet anyways," BB tried to reassure you, but that made you more alert, "I'm guessing he told you to run away, did he?"

"Yeah, what happened though? The moment that fox appeared, everything went into chaos," You didn't want to stay for to long, this could be a trap to lure you in.

"The other phantoms had a rough life after the incident, I suggest listening to the 'Phone Dude' as the other guard dubbed him. After all, those phantoms had a very rough 'life'." The broken fox filled in for you despite her intimidating appearance. "These halls aren't safe either, it's infected by the stench of the roaming hallucinations. Honestly, I don't know how you can see us for so long, you must have some supernatural ability! Anyways, it's best that you pass by the arcade rooms." She finished before hearing the ventilation error sirens go off. Both phantoms had vanished, leaving a negative effect image behind before it faded away. It much reminded you of when Phantom Freddy hissed at you and his jumpscare got scarred in your mind with a negative effect. 'If I don't hurry, whatever's out there to kill will eventually find me.' You reminded yourself as you wandered down the halls of the horror attraction. Your heart pounded against your chest, remembering the shadow that walked by. Beads of sweat rolled down your face, eventually passing by the arcade rooms, but was stopped when you heard a groan.

There, appearing from the shadows and arcade machines, was a huge animatronic chicken with a sickening glare towards you. Something about this phantom intimidated you more than the rest, even Springtrap himself. "H-H-Hi, I'm Chica the Chicken! I'm getting kinda hungry..." The chicken stepped forward, cracking the floor with her heavy weight, "L-Let's eat!" Her cheery voice turned demonic when she pronounced 'eat', giving you the cue to get the hell out of here. Chica let out a demonic hiss and trudged towards you, her footsteps pounding against the grounds she once roamed. Terrified, you started to run away from the phantom without looking back, there was no way you were letting the chicken to even touch you. You noticed a familiar Chica head prop with one of her eyes flashing and noticed a vent on the floor, open. Without thinking, you crawled and forcefully pushed yourself inside the dusty vent, making sure you were at a safe distance. You heard Chica's heavy steps pass by. "A-Aw, I lost her! Think sh-she'll escape tomorrow? She won't." Her tone of voice startled you, but you held your breath as she continued on by. You tried to regain your breathing pattern, but then remembered about the ventilation system going offline.

'N-No, I messed up! I thought Springtrap rebooted the system!' You coughed violently, tears pricking from your eyes as your mind got hazy. You couldn't think straight anymore, but you didn't know what to do. Go back outside, vulnerable where Chica might be close by or choke to your death inside the vent? You felt your throat expand, being able to regain precious air once again. You gasped multiple breaths before feeling someone's hand grip onto your leg and pulling you out of the vent rapidly.

"You could have died? Are you okay, kitty?!" Springtrap held your shoulders and your vision met his concerned orbs.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. It's that Chica was chasing me," You explained weakly and coughed a bit. Springtrap held you close to his chest and started to stroke your (h/c) hair in a soothing manner. He rested his chin on your head as you tried to breathe properly again.

"I think you forgot something," A voice interrupted the calm atmosphere, there at the end of the hall stood a tall puppet-like creature, except human, "Springtrap, you know the rules by now. Don't try to make yourself happy and accept your punishment," the phantom cracked his knuckles before gazing at the both of you.

"I guess you still need to learn."

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