🐙Mezou Shouji🐙

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A/N:Sorry I forgot about Shouji! Poor bby:(  Anyways,Before we get started two things. One,Is there anymore boys you guys want me to add before I finish this book and move on to season 2? And Second,LOOK AT THIS GIF

 One,Is there anymore boys you guys want me to add before I finish this book and move on to season 2? And Second,LOOK AT THIS GIF

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THAT MY FRIENDS IS HOW HE HOLDS THE BABY. Anyways let's get started!


This man,This amazing,loving,and supportive man, He hugs you like nobody is watching. Before you were pregnant,He still hugged you but got nervous but now that he knows his baby is growing inside you,He doesn't care. He loves you so much and talks about the baby all of the time. Even if it was during a meeting,He still talks about the baby. He will protect you like your glass and could break at any moment. He now takes up knitting as a hobby and makes you little blankets to put on your swollen stomach. I don't know if I used this for one of the boys before but,When you get to the stage where you can't see your feet,he helps you put on your shoes! Since he has so many arms,he puts them to good use and does all of the housework for you at once! He gets you food no matter how much you protest you already are too big. When he's off work,He lays on your stomach and listens to the baby's heartbeat and it's movements because I headcanon he can hear really well and it's canon because I'm his hair. He uses all of his hands to make sure your hair doesn't get in your face when you get morning sickness. He can feed you,caress your cheek,pull up your blanket,caress your stomach, and put your hair back all at once :)


I am working on updating the last ones and I'm almost done!! Book 2 here we come!

How the MHA boys treat Pregnant! Fem! Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now