Chapter 13: Eggplant

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"Eh," Louis held up the eggplant, turning it side to side. "What –is this?"

"It is an eggplant." Harry cut the onions quickly without looking. "Abraham picked it out."

"Yes, I know this is an eggplant –Abraham picked this out?" Louis nibbled on the inside of his mouth. "Why?"

Harry shrugged, putting the onions into the hot frying pan. He grabbed the purple vegetable from Louis. "How do you cut this?"

"Do not make this." Louis took it away, disgusted. "Eggplant is disgusting."

Harry took it back, "we will make it taste good."

Louis crossed his arms, "well, do not put it with the onions, they do not go together."

Harry cut off the green part of the vegetable. "How do I cut this?"

Louis grimaced, "however you wish, slices is most common." He stuck out his tongue, "yuck."

Harry smirked at him, "you are like a child."

Louis stuck out his tongue at the alpha.

"Egg!" Abraham clapped, running up to his mother. He grabbed onto Louis' pant leg, smiling. "Mama, baba and me got an egg."

"It is an eggplant, Abraham, not an egg."

"Eggplant!" Abraham nodded, looking up happily at his mother. "I like egg, mama."

"That is not eggs, precious, it is a vegetable." Louis smiled, stroking his hair. "Mama does not like eggplant."

Abraham frowned, "not egg?"

"I do not know why they call it an eggplant." Harry sliced it into chucks before throwing it in with the onions. "I will find out."

Louis picked up his child when he started biting on his loose pants. "No biting, please."

"Oh, I forgot." Harry left the pan, going into the freezer despite Abraham's small, 'no's'.

"No!" He covered his mouth, "baba, no!"

"It is a Popsicle, baby. It's much better than the teeth sticks for canine teeth."

"I agree, those are very uncomfortable." Harry unwrapped the Popsicle, giving it to the child who took it miserably. "You will be fine." Harry took a big bite of the ice cream, "see, now there is less."

Abraham giggled, licking the sweet, "Silly baba."

Louis kissed Abraham's cheek hard, "he is so silly, isn't he?"

Harry stirred the vegetable. "This vegetable smells extremely unappealing."

Abraham nibbled calmly on his Popsicle, while Louis laughed. "As I told you."

Harry stirred it around the pan, "I believe tonight we will have pizza."

Abraham held up his Popsicle, "pizza and egg!"

Harry picked up a piece of the vegetable, blowing on it. "Say 'ah'."

"Don't do that to my son."

"I wish for him to try it." Harry moved his hand away from Louis' swatting one. "Open, Abraham."

Abraham opened wide, chewing. A few seconds after he frowned. "No..." Louis held out his hand for him to spit it out. "Yucky..."

Louis shook his head, "now you must have a piece since you made my child try it."

"No thank you." Harry pressed on the bottom of the garbage with his foot, dumping the contents. He smiled when Louis glared at him, "all gone."


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