The Major Surgeries: Part 1

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Jake's POV

It was 4:00am and it was Izzy's Surgery Day. I was half asleep but I had to get up to wake Izzy up. She gets up early but never this early. I rubbed my eyes to get myself to wake up.

I got out of bed, which was really warm and cozy, went over to Izzy.

"Izz...Izz...wake's your surgery today." I whispered as I shook her shoulder.

She slowly opened and closed her eyes.

"It's too early Jake..." Izzy exclaimed as she wrapped herself with her duvet.

"I know but we have to get to the hospital at 6:30am." I exclaimed.

"Well you're going have to help me out of my bed." Izzy exclaimed as I grabbed her wheelchair and placed it next to her bed.

I picked her up from her bed and placed her in her wheelchair.

I took her to the bathroom, so she could brush her teeth. I put toothpaste on her toothbrush and handed it to her.

She brushed her teeth and spit it out into the bowl. I took her to her closet and helped her get changed. She can't get changed by herself, so she needs help while getting changed. She doesn't mind me helping since I'm her boyfriend.

I took her downstairs and Cubby was making breakfast.

"Why is there only two plates?" Izzy asked us.

"You're not allowed to eat before your surgery." I exclaimed as I parked her wheelchair and sat down.

Izzy's POV

We arrived at the hospital and we went over to the Receptionist desk.

"Hello, this is Isabella Green and she's here for her two surgeries on both of her knees." Jake exclaimed as the Receptionist typed on her computer.

"Yes, if you wait in the waiting room, your name will get called out." The Receptionist exclaimed as we went to wait in the waiting room.

Jake parked my wheelchair next to the waiting room chairs.

Jake and Cubby sat down, they picked up leaflets about hospitals. I looked around me, all I could see was Nurses walking up down the corridors and I heard all of the conversations.

They were all by the Receptionist area. I could smell that hospital smell. The walls were white while the floors were blue.

"Isabella Green!" I heard my name being called out.

Jake and Cubby got up from their seats. Jake unparked my wheelchair and began to push me to the Check-Up room.

We arrived to the Check-Up room and we went inside.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Sally and I'm going to be doing your check up on you. First, let's put your hospital wristband on your wrist." The Nurse exclaimed as she placed my hospital wristband on my wrist.

'Name: Isabella Rose Green
DOB: 7th April 2006
FEMALE NHS Number: 257468'

"Now we usually check your height and weight but due to your injured knees we can't. So we will take your blood pressure and your heartbeat." The Nurse exclaimed.

She placed the blood pressure cuff on my arm and she pressed the button.

"Blood pressure is normal." She exclaimed as she took the blood pressure cuff off my arm.

The other nurse wrote down what my blood pressure was.

She placed the stethoscope on my chest, moving it all over my chest. She placed it on my back.

Izzy's Knee Injury Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ