The Diagnosis

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Izzy's POV

Jake pushed me to the a and e waiting room as he parked my wheelchair next to the waiting room chairs. He and Cubby sat down.

"Jake, I can't take the pain much longer." I cried in pain.

"Izz, you're going to be okay. Keep the ice pack on your knee." Jake exclaimed as he placed the ice pack back on my knee.

"When am I going to be seen??" Izzy asked nobody in particular.

"Isabella Green!" Izzy's name got yelled.

"Well that worked Izz." I chuckled as I stood up and unparked Izzy's wheelchair. "Cubby, wait here. We'll be back." I exclaimed as Cubby nodded his head.

I pushed Izzy's to the Tri-Arge room. The Nurse opened the door and I pushed Izzy inside.

"Can you lift her onto the bed please?" The Nurse asked me as I picked Izzy up and placed her on the bed.

Izzy's POV

I rested my legs on the bed and Jake placed the ice pack on my knee.

"So your full name is Isabella Rose Green?" The Nurse asked me.

"Yes but I prefer to be called As Izzy." I said it in a nice way.

She wrote what I said down.

"Your date of birth is 7th April 2006?" She asked me as I nodded my head.

"Your address 73 Hideout Neverland NE33 7JI?" She asked me as I nodded.

"You're allergic to Jalapeños?" She asked me as I nodded.

"What happened that made you injure your knee?" She asked me.

"I was working out. I was doing squats and as I was in the middle of doing them. I heard my knee pop and then I felt shooting pain go down my knee." I explained about what happened to my knee.

"Let's have a look at your knee." The other Nurse exclaimed.

The other nurse rolled my legging up and revealed my bad knee. My knee was bruised, swollen, and purple.

"It looks like you need an x ray on your knee. It looks fractured." The Nurse exclaimed as she rolled my legging down.

The other nurse placed the hospital wristband on my wrist.

'Name: Isabella Rose Green
DOB: 07/04/06
FEMALE  NHS Number: 257468'

The Nurse was putting pads all over my chest and a look like peg on my finger to check my heartbeat.

"Izzy, just relax." The Nurse exclaimed while Jake was holding my hand.

I just kept thinking about my injured knee and the x ray. I kept thinking that my knee is fractured. I was really nervous.

"I'm trying." I exclaimed.

"Izz, just calm down for me." Jake exclaimed as he squeezed my hand, gently.

I was trying to control my heart beat but it was really hard.

The Nurse took the pads off my body and took the peg off my finger.

"You can go now, we'll call you back in soon." The Nurse exclaimed.

Jake picked me up from the hospital bed and placed me in my wheelchair.

"Thank you." Jake exclaimed as he took hold of the handles on my wheelchair.

He pushed me out of the Tri-Arge room and the Nurse closed the door behind him.

Izzy's Knee Injury Where stories live. Discover now