Chapter 17 - Confrontation

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Kanao didn't know what to do. This entire situation was all her fault. One moment, she was looking up at Tanjiro and getting stomach flutters at the look of genuine happiness in his eyes, the next her heart had dropped to the floor at the sound of Mrs Kamado's voice.

And here they were, standing close together, staring at the horrified figure in the doorway. Gray streaks of hair escaped her bun as she raised a trembling hand over her mouth.

Kanao couldn't even process the situation. Tanjiro's ungloved hand. Mrs Kamado's broken expression. Her self-hate grew as she realised it was her fault. Hand clenching on the table, Kanao tried to bring herself to speak but found nothing to say. What could she say?

Tanjiro stiffened. The feeling was familiar and heartbreaking, and when he started to step away, Kanao wanted to reach out and hold onto him tightly. Tell him to stand his ground and that it would be okay. But she couldn't bring herself to.

Was it her place to do so? Would she just make everything worse?

"Mother-" Tanjiro started but was promptly interrupted.

"Tan...your....your arm!" Mrs Kamado cried, hand still covering her mouth, other hand pointing at his arm.

Tanjiro audibly swallowed and Kanao hugged herself, not wanting to intrude. Not wanting to do something that would make the scene any worse.

"Mother, calm down. I-"

"How long has this been going on!" Mrs Kamado exclaimed, a sob coming into her voice.

The chink on the tiles signaled Tanjiro's move toward her. His hand was held out, appealing to her. Mrs Kamado's eyes were wet, the beautiful colour seeming to ripple.

"Mother, I'm sorry..." Tanjiro looked at her with shame on his face. "My arm was... injured during the war...." He trailed off.

Mrs Kamado shook her head slowly.

"The war. You were hurt. And you didn't tell me," Mrs Kamado whimpered, her hand balling softly and trembling still more.

Tanjiro chewed his lip, not meeting Kanao's eyes. It was clear he didn't know what to do.

"Mother, I'm okay."

The disbelief on Mrs Kamado's face was another kind of hurt.

"Okay?! Tanjiro! Your arm is mechanical! Your arm is..." Mrs Kamado didn't even finish the sentence. Tears burst from her eyes and she fled into another room.

Tanjiro clenched his fists, his eyes watering as he watched her go. Something inside of Kanao stirred. Stepping away from her, he made a move to go after his mother, but yet another voice stopped him.

"I'd leave her alone if I were you," Nezuko said, coming into the room. Zenitsu followed shortly after her, his face unusually grim. Kanao noticed the glance he cast Tanjiro.

Tanjiro whirled around to see them, and he suddenly went ghost white when he noticed his friend there. Nezuko put her hands on her hips, frowning and not saying a word.

Zenitsu made no move except to tuck his hands behind his back. Those golden eyes looked at Tanjiro with some measure of reproach.

"Well, this is a pretty mess you've made for yourself," Nezuko said, a matter-of-fact tone lacing her voice.

Tanjiro crossed his arms, refusing to look at either of them. Kanao didn't know what to do, didn't know what to say. These sorts of situations weren't her strong point.

Nezuko did not let the silence stretch at all. With a scowl and an annoyed flex of her hand, she continued.

"Tanjiro, don't do that. I told you from the beginning that if you continued in this fashion, you'd end up hurting Mother. And look at what you've gone and done!"

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