Chapter 3 - We Meet Again

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Tanjiro was not a negative person. He knew that about himself. After all, if he wanted to survive on the battlefield, he had to retain some ounce of hope. But nowadays, especially after coming back to society, he just couldn't. Normal, everyday life felt unbelievably alien. He still wasn't used to the comfort and ease of a average citizens life. His chest kept tightening at certain moments, like when he heard a loud noise or the rush of what sounded like plane wings. For him, the threat of death constantly loomed over him. It was a reminder of that horrible place. It was a reminder that he'd never truly be normal again.

Tanjiro flicked the television on. Not because he wanted to watch it, but because he hated the silence of an empty apartment. It reminded him yet again of the silence that ensued after a battle. The silence of death. He shivered and opened a cupboard to extract a mug. Tea would help. Green tea, whenever he'd been able to get it, had always been a source of comfort for him. And it continued to be. Especially because of the thing he carried around. It was yet another constant reminder. Everything else was in his head, this was very real and very physical.

He conjured water from his hand and dumped it in a kettle before putting it on the stove. As he waited for the water to boil, he vaguely wondered when his sister, Nezuko, was going to be home. He appreciated the fact she'd choosen to keep being with him. Though he hadn't told her, he knew that she knew he didn't like to be alone. And he was very grateful for that.

Although, it was getting late. They were both adults and she was capable of looking after herself, but his brotherly instinct couldn't help but worry. He glanced at the small device on the counter next to him. He hesitated before picking it up. Would Nezuko even answer if he called? Where was she? He knew Nezuko sometimes got exasperated when he "mothered her" (Nezuko's words). But it was past eleven, according to the clock.

Well, it couldn't hurt to try. Better safe than sorry. He flipped the small phone open and started pressing buttons to dial her. Pressing it to his ear, he waited for her to pick up.

To his relief, she did.

"Oh, hi Tanjiro," Nezuko said, her voice coming in a little muffled by what sounded like loud music in the background.

"Hi Nezuko. Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask - when will you be home? It's past eleven," He explained, tapping the counter top.

He heard an audible sigh of exasperation before Nezuko next spoke.

"Tan," she said, her voice gentle, "I know this is a hard thing for you to understand, especially after your military service, but the world is changing. Now, it's not uncommon to stay put past two in the morning. I'm having fun with friends right now. Thank you for checking in, but I won't be coming home for some time."

Tanjiro felt that nervous rattle in his chest.

"Is it possible for you to come home sooner? I just don't want you to get hurt or collapse drunk somewhere," he said, putting a hand through his hair.

"Nothing's going to happen to me," Nezuko replied, sounding a little more exasperated now.

"You don't know that," Tanjiro retorted.

There was a silence. Tanjiro tucked his bad arm against him as he waited for Nezuko to speak.

"If you're so worried...could you come down? I wouldn't mind having you with me, I'm just having a lot of fun right now and I don't really want to leave," Nezuko pleaded.

Tanjiro considered the offer. He didn't exactly want to go to another bar or club or something, but Nezuko sounded like she really was having a good time. And she'd always come home when he'd asked her before this. And if he didn't go, she might get herself into all sorts of trouble. Especially if she was drunk. He just hated the idea of her wondering the streets alone or weven with a few friends. Anything could happen.

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