Chapter 15 - Mrs Kamado

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"i just wanted to ask you something. See, Nezuko and I are leaving this weekend to stay with Mother for a week or two..." Tanjiro hesitated. Twisting her hands under the table of the coffee shop they were in, Kanao crossed her fingers. Across from her, Tanjiro was tapping the rim of his hot chocolate mug, clearly not sure how to say the words.

Kanao decided to prompt him.

"I'm sure it'll be a refreshing trip. I've got work off for the holidays and Of be happy to look after the bakery for you, if you want," she said. And she meant it.

Tanjiro met her eyes and shook his head.

"No, no. I've already got a friend to look after it for me. What I wanted to ask you was if...well, if you want to....would you like to come? I know you haven't seen Mother for a while, but..." He trailed off again.

So, that was it. Kanao finally understood his reservations. Before their break-up, they'd gone to visit Mrs Kamado. She'd been distraught over her husband's death, and during a conversation where the two had attempted to comfort her, she'd made a passing comment. Kanao remembered it clearly.

"I just wish my Tan would be happy. I'm sure it would quite brighten my day if a wedding was announced soon."

The comment in and of itself had been fine. It was the events after that made it hurt. When Tanjiro had gone off to the military and they'd went their separate ways, Kanao had gotten a telegram from Mrs Kamado. In it, she'd expressed her sorrow that there was to be no wedding, and urged Kanao to move on soon, as there would be a slim chance that Tanjiro would come back.

Kanao knew Mrs Kamado had only been speaking frankly. But the words pierced her heart yet again. It reminded her of all she'd lost and what she'd more than likely continue to lose.

From that day, she'd never mentioned it up until a while ago during conversation with Tanjiro. He'd been horrified, even after her insistence that it was more than alright.

With a sigh and a smile, Kanao reached over and took Tanjiro's good hand. His ungloved one. Even as the weather grew colder, his hand stayed just as warm.

"Never you mind that, Tanjiro. What's in the past is in the past. I'd love to come with you to visit her. More than likely, we'll find some old memories out that way," she said.

Tanjiro's smile held something conspiratory.

"Perhaps. I'm sure the fields will be full of leaf piles," he said.

"Perhaps a snowflake will grace our windowsills," she added.

"Mother will make pumpkin pie as well," Tanjiro said, adding to the picture they knew from their previous happy early winter visits.

"Mmm and the warm fire in the grate," she replied, closing her eyes to better picture it.

His hand squeezed hers. "Just promise me you won't bring a blanket this time. I like the excuse to hug you in front of the fire."

Eyes flying open, Kanao turned her gaze onto Tanjiro, who was smiling again. It was almost michevious. Startled by the unexpected flirting, Kanao laughed.

"I would never deny you the pleasure," she teased. Then a thought came to her. "Wait, which friend is looking after the bakery?"

Tanjiro hesitated again.


"In....INOSUKE?" Kanao whisper-shrieked. What on earth was Tanjiro thinking? Leaning forward, she lowered her voice. "Tanjiro, you do realise Inosuke will probably end up burning the place down, right?"

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