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~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I love you," Baekhyun said again.

"Stop it!" I yelled at him.

"Stop what?" He asked playing dumb.

"Stop saying that!" I yelled at him again.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had that flashback after I had heard his voice when he had just woke up again.

Baekhyun woke up the same way I did but it's just that he didn't get amnesia like I did. He remembers everything.

I didn't go with him for the scanning. I expected the nurses to call his parents but they didn't but oddly my parents had went to the scanning with him though.


No we're not siblings.

When the scanning was done, I had thought about going to see him but I was afraid.

I mean I barely even know him. What was I going to even say?

So I ended up not seeing him.

My parents were with him though so I was left alone in my room.

What happened to the policy they had for me? The one that said I had to have at least one person watching every passing hour.

Taeyoung wasn't here with me and so weren't my parents. A nurse wasn't even here.

I guess they just forgot.

I felt a bit lonely to be honest. I had just stayed in my room doing nothing until I fell asleep.


Falling asleep had made it confusing. This would either mean that this was just a dream or was this real? A flashback? Did I remembered something?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I want you to stop hanging out with that kid," my omma yelled at me when I had got home.

"Omma!" I yelled at her back.

"Don't argue with me," my mother said in the meanest and cruelest tone that she would rarely be speak in. It meant that she was dead serious.

"But first tell me why?" I insisted.

"Baekhyun is not a good kid," my mom had just said plainly.

That had irritated me and had my blood boiling, "how do you know? Have you ever meant him?"

"Minyoung, just go to your room!"


- - -

"Go break up with him now," she said in a forced clam voice.

"Andwae," I argued with her.

"Both of his parents are dead and it's all because of you. If he had stayed he could've signed for the surgeries but he wasn't there instead he was looking for you," my mom said.

She was pulling out the guilt card and I was giving in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"aaarhhh!" I had subconsciously cried and screamed myself out of sleep.

Appa and omma came rushing in to my safety.

It was quite dark outside so I must've slept for a long time but why were my parents still here? They usually would leave earlier, they didn't sleep here at the hospital after the 1st month of my recovery.

"Minyoung? What's wrong?" Appa asked worried.

"Minyoung? Qwenchena?" Omma asked. Upon hearing her voice I had become frightened.

My mouth was dry and was shaking hard.

My mom tried to hold me down so I would stop shaking but I slapped her hand away.

"Minyoung?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Ah- erg- ah-," I made weird shaky noises while looking at my mom intensively.

Then the next thing I knew was that Baekhyun walked in - well wheeled into my room. Upon seeing his face, I had boom. I had fell unconscious.


My body was weak. My mouth felt dry. My eyelids were heavy and my feet were cold.

I lazily opened one eye then the other.

Where am I?

Who is this lady holding my hand?

One of my fingers reached up and tapped her head waking her up.

Slowing her eyes started to open. When she saw that it was me that tapped her, her eyes grew wide.

"Minyoung? Your awake?"

I nodded. Who was this lady?

"Thank goodness! I thought you had died," she rejoiced and got up and went out the door.

Later she had came back in with a man and a lady in a uniform - a nurse.

"Oi, Minyoung. We were unsure if you were going to wake up much less in only 2 weeks," the nurse had said.


"You were in a coma again but fortunately it was only for 2 weeks."

"I was in a coma twice?"

"Wait? Do you remember anything?"

I shook my head. "No," I said.

"Oh no," the nurse pursed her lips. "Come on," she got out a wheelchair, "get on we're going for a scanning," she gestured me towards a wheelchair.

I obediently got on.


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Her parents were oddly really nice to me now. They weren't like this before. Was it because my parents weren't here to welcome me back from a coma?

They said that Minyoung had lost her memories of everything including me.

Then why was she in my room and was the first thing I saw when I woke up?

Well they said, she sorta couldn't not remembered me. Apparently she remembered when I yelled at her before we both got hit by a car and both ended up in comas.

They said I could meet her soon and maybe then she would recover her memories.

But as soon as I had wheeled in, her eyes had grew wider by the millisecond and in only one, they had shut.

They never opened again untill 2 weeks later.

The doctor said that it might take years for her to be able to wake up again or maybe even never.

I was heartbroken and so were her parents.

It was such a surprise for her to wake up in only 2 weeks but then I heard she got amnesia again.

She didn't fully remember last time too but she knew who her mom and dad were and maybe even me?

It sad she doesn't remember me but I think it's better this way.

She won't be in pain.

Her parents had asked me if I wanted to meet her but I would always said no.

I would see her from time to time when she would go to the gym and work out her legs to learn how to walk.

I needed to be more careful since she would always catch me staring at her but I couldn't help it.

I love her too much.

- - - - -

Chapter 5 -

I did some research on comas, so I think this is possible lmao

Do You Remember? | EXO Baekhyun and KaiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon