Prologue: The year the...

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 Hello, my name is Abby. I'm the author and I just wanted to point out a few things.

1. I do have an editor, but she is human, and we are not perfect, so don't be rude about our grammar. We are trying our best.

2. This is not my only work, so please be reasonable about chapter dates.

3. I do have a life. I have school, a job, and I play soccer, so please get off my ass about publishing dates. I will try to get them out when I can, but you can expect at least 1-2 weeks between updates. (Sometimes I will write early but we hold the chapter till so many days pass. That being said, just because it has been some time since my last update, don't panic, I can promise we are not abandoning this book.)

4. Read the tags and the summary! If you don't like what you see on them, you will NOT like this book so save all of us the trouble and just read them please.

5. There will be gore, blood, descriptive murder, talk of sex, and other heavy topics. If that makes you uncomfortable, don't throw shade, just go read something else.

6. I will not tolerate hate or slander of any kind, if you leave a comment that we feel is offensive, I will have you blocked from this story. So don't do it. Nobody's here for that.

7. This is fiction! Relationships should NOT play out like this in real life. That is extremely toxic! If you are being treated like some of the characters in this book I highly recommend talking to somebody about it and getting help. Your mental health comes before any relationship, and we firmly stand by that.

8. This story follows a human by the name of Arlein Moore-Clark, there might be chapters following other characters point-of-views (Not including the prologue), but that will be mentioned at the top of each chapter. If you would like to recommend a character point-of-view just comment at the end of the most recent chapter or post a comment about it on my feed.

9. Lastly, this is my work, don't copy it. If you see it on another site that's not Wattpad or Inkitt please let me know, because they definitely do NOT have my permission!

Thank you. Enjoy.



The year the beasts made themselves known to the world.


The year the beast finally declared war on North America and Europe.


The year the beast declared war on the rest of the world.


The year the beast won the war.


The year the peace was broken and humans were demoted.


The year the first human was publicly taken as a mate to a beast.


The year the first large human based rebellion group made themselves known.


The year every human rebel was executed in front of the world.


The year the first mate hunt included humans.


The year the first Luna was publicly killed.


The year of the blood moon.


The year the book begins.


Small rundown log-cabin

district: 1 Human sector: 12

In a small dining room sat a close knit family, eating a celebration feast of chicken and a small helping of berries. The house was still warm from the setting summer sun but that did not deter the humans from sitting close or holding on tight to each other. As the night went on two of the four trickled off to bed leaving the others to sit in silence.

"Happy birthday love."

"Thanks, it means a lot to me that you put all this together for me... I know things have been a little tight lately..."

"Hey, it'll pick back up, we go through this every year. People don't need as much wood in the summer as they do in the winter, business will pick back up again."

"But they already let Eli off an-and what if they decide they don't need you either?!"

"Hey, hey, don't worry about us. Eli's got a job interview at the factory tomorrow, J still has his job at the bakery, shockingly, and you still have your job at the school. In fact, it was you who found these lovely berries on your way into town. So we should be thanking you, not the other way around."

"I know, it's just that I'm scared we're going to lose one of them to the blood sport, or they will get taken as a mate. And I just really don't want that to happen to any of you guys. I just love you all so much and... and I can't right now. I just can't."

"I know, but we get through it every year and this year will be just the same... come here."

"I love you. Don't you ever forget that, okay?"

"I love you too."

"Let's go to bed, we have a long week ahead of us."

"You go on up, I'll meet you up there in a bit."

"Okay. Don't be too long..."

"I won't, I love you."

"I love you too."

The young man proceeds up the creaky steps leaving the young woman to herself at the table as a single tear leaks from her eye. The hunt, or blood games as the humans call them, was weighing heavily on her heart. She was terrified of one of her few family members being chosen. She already lost her best friend and her sister. She didn't think she could bear another loss. With that in mind, she headed upstairs to the small bedroom she shares with her husband, and settled down on the ground. The fur had long since lost its softness, serving only as a way to stay warm and off the hard floor. She quickly snuggled into her husband, trying to get as much sleep as she can before she woke early tomorrow morning.



Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book, and have a great rest of you day/night!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! (Sleep is also important)

Word count: 992

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