Secrets Released

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POV Vance

I lay in my bed as I here the front door quickly open and almost slam shut, I here footsteps but not just my dads, I here unknown as well which means he's brought home a woman from the pub.

As I lay there and try to block out the sounds of my dad and this girl in the lounge room but unfortunately it doesn't work and to top it all off, I'm craving drugs right now. 'Shit' I think, 'if I just be quiet I can sneak into my dads room and take some from his drawers.' So that's exactly what I do, I slowly get off my bed the weed I chucked there earlier when I got home still laying there just waiting to be smoked. ' Ill smoke some after I steal some of my dads good shit.' I quietly leave my room keeping my bedroom door open as to save time and keep as quiet as I can, I'm lucky my dads door is already opened because his door is as creaky as a bitch, as soon as I make it to his drawers I'm quick to rummage through his bottom one to find something that doesn't look like its going to kill me after I take one hit. At the bottom of the pile I see a bottle of pills, the label scratched off, 'he probably stole these, so might as steal them from him.'

I take the pills into my room and realize I don't have water to help swallow them with 'oh well' I pour one in to the palm of my hand put in in my mouth and swallow it just hoping it doesn't get stuck in my throat, luckily it doesn't and I end up swallowing it with ease. It should hit soon but I don't feel done so I grab the weed on my bed and search through my drawers for filters and papers. When I find the old mint tin I kept them in I take out one of each and grab scissors.

I then walk back over to my bed and take out two buds before sitting on the edge of my bed and cutting them up, once I'm done I grab the paper and filter and make a joint. (One of my specialty's.) Before completing the joint off by licking the side to seal it off. I grab the lighter out of my pocket usually used for cigarettes and light the end before breathing in the magic, I can feel the pill kicking in by now but I couldn't care less.

The joint doesn't last long as I just keep puffing as I lay down letting this magical feeling run through my body.

I look outside and see its dark so I can only take a guess and say its twelve o'clock. As I stare at the stars a thought comes to mind, a fun thought.

I walk down the hallway as quietly as I can when high on pills and weed and I'm lucky there's blasting music coming from the lounge room. When I walk Into the kitchen I look over to the lounge room and see my dad and some random chick passed out. I open the fridge and take out a carton of eggs before sneaking out the front door.

I would love to smoke a cigarette right now but I cant because I'm holding eggs.

I walk a couple blocks before I arrive at my destination, I cant even remember the cunts name but earlier this year he said some fucked up shit about me and my family, obviously I beat him up till he couldn't even walk without help from crutches, but this would be even better.

I open the carton of eggs and take one out before chucking it right at a tall wall, I make sure to chuck it high so its hard to clean but once the 5th or maybe the 9th egg is thrown the lights turn on, I keep chucking the eggs and while I'm about to chuck one of the last ones a cop car comes around the corner sirens blaring I drop the carton only having about two eggs left inside.

I cop car parks quickly near the driveway and two men come out I notice one of them but the other officer must be new. "What's going on Larry, didn't know you got a boyfriend" I sarcastically ask, that must have pissed off Larry because he comes charging towards me and try's to grab my arms but I aint allowing that so I punch him right in the nose. He should have saw it coming because he's arrested me before. Larry stumbles backwards a bit while holding his nose in pain, "you fucking druggie!" he yells the other officer comes at me but like I said he must be new because he doesn't know how I fight, I grab his hands holding the cuffs and turn him around before kicking him in the back making him fall to the ground I then while he's still on the ground put the cuffs on him and tighten them all the way. "You don't like how it feels do ya?"

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