No Tears Left To Cry

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POV: Vance

I turned over, rolled more like it because I went falling right into someone's lap. I open my eyes frantically, light spilling in to them. I close my eyes once I realise whose lap my head is laying in, blinking my sleepy eyes open to wake up, Bruce looks down at me. He doesn't smile, his eyes are filled with tears at the sight of me, memories flood back to me, the drugs, my mum, my speech on why I did it, everything. "Morning." I stare at him just as he starts at me, his brown eyes burning holes into my blue ones, I don't wanna look away, "Bruce" I whisper, he moves his hand to my head, pushing a stray curl away from my cheek. I refrain to flinch, he doesn't seem to notice. We sit there for a moment each gathering thoughts, I sit up. "I'm sorry you had to see that." I look down in embarrassment, "Vance, look at me" Bruce says in a firm tone. I look at him and before I know it he kisses me, and in that moment I realized these feelings that run throw my veins when I'm around Bruce is, love. I don't kiss back out of shock and he pulls away. "Sorry, I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me," he's about to continue but I grab his face and slam my lips on his, he immediately kisses back, the kiss is amazing, and for a while its unsteady, he pulls away to catch his breath and I softly push him down, his head now leaning on a pillow. I pull him into another kiss and he roughly grabs me face pulling me towards him more, I smirk into the kiss and all my worries disappear. I try to enter his mouth but he denies, I bite his lip and he gasps into the lustful kiss, I then give myself an invitation and basically shove my tongue down his throat. I slowly pull away, a string of saliva connecting us, Bruce's chest goes up and down as he tries to get more and more air in his lungs. I drag my lips down his jawline, his hands laying loosely in my hair, I connect my lips to his neck and he directs his head to the ceiling, I hear him gasp when I suck on his neck, I smile and move to under his ear, dragging my tongue piecing over his neck, I feel him shiver under me. I suck on his neck, softly biting trying to find his sweet spot, when I finally find it his neck is covered in hickeys. His sweet spot is closer to his hairline, down a little from his ear. His hands basically ripping the hair out of my scalp, The more I bite and suck the louder his gasps and moans get. I bring one of my hands up to his mouth trying to quiet his moans that keep getting louder and louder. His hands roughly run through my hair, I don't mind one bit. I continue sucking on that spot in till my tongue hurts, I then pull away and sit up, grabbing a cigarette, setting it in my mouth and lighting it, I finally look at Bruce and I'm not surprised to see he's an absolute mess. I smirk at the sight. He stares at me, "what the fuck was that?!" Bruce quietly yells. I give him a dumb smile, knowing exactly what I did and how much power I have over him. "You cant just do that and then leave me hanging like that, holy shit! You knew exactly what you were doing, you asshole." he smiles at me still catching his breath. I don't answer him, instead getting up and walking towards the door. "Do you have a jumper?" I ask not looking at him, "yeah, why?" I walk out of the room and when I'm halfway down the hallway I hear yells. "HOLY SHIT" I smile and continue walking to the lounge room.

When I enter the room, I'm filled with a sad feeling. Robin and Finney are sitting on the couch, they stop talking once they see me, I don't look at them as I walk to my mother still sleeping on the wooden floor. I pick up her limp body and she opens her eyes. I blow out smoke from my mouth, careful to not drop the cigarette resting in my mouth right onto her.

I lay her on the couch and she doesn't move, like she doesn't have the energy to. As I'm putting a blanket on her Bruce walks in holding his hoodie up to his chin, we all look at him. "What?" he says. I do a side smirk at him and a light blush runs across his cheeks. He walks straight past us to the kitchen and when I'm done putting the blanket on my mother I follow him, his back it facing towards the sink when he hears my footsteps he turns around holding his jumper up to chin again.

When he sees its just me, he pulls me out of view from the others. "look" Bruce says releasing his grip on his jumper. I step forward and now we are only a couple inches away from each other, I look down to his neck, he moves his neck around so I get a better look, I softly grab his neck, rubbing my thumb over the darkest hickey I made, he shakes a little at the touch, shivers running up his spine. "listen, I don't mean to call myself a artist, but?" I smile and he swats my hand away, "Oh don't be sarcastic, I cant hide them!" he whispers quickly. I look at the hickeys again before looking into Bruce's brown eyes again, "then don't" I simply say, shrugging as if its nothing. Bruce try's to tug me back as I walk out of the kitchen and to the lounge room. Sitting down next to my mother, if I can even call her that, she's basically a stranger, the only thing similar about us is blood.

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