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When Julie and Skyler arrived at the Orpheum, they quickly ushered to the green room to prepare. They didn't have a lot of time before the show, so they quickly got changed in their individual dressing rooms.

Skyler stood in front of the mirror for the fifth time, making sure that his outfit and his hair was perfect. He was wearing a sleeveless white shirt with a black tie, underneath a sleeveless jacket that show off his biceps.

After he was done fixing his hair, he took one last look in the mirror before he decided that he was good to go. Skyler went to the door next to his, where Julie's dressing room happened to be.

"Knock, knock," Skyler said, knocking on the door.

"Come in," Julie responded.

Skyler smiled, opening the door and walks into the dressing room before he closes the door behind him. As soon as he entered, he stares at the girl in awestruck expression when he saw how beautiful she looked.

"Wow," he breathes out.

Julie smiles shyly, feeling her face heat up and glances down at her outfit. "Is it too much? I think it might be."

"No, no, no. You look beautiful," Skyler quickly says, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I mean, you always do, but I think it's possible that you look even more beautiful now."

"Aw, thanks," Julie responded, smiling from ear to ear. "You look amazing in that," she tells him, glancing down at the outfit Skyler wore.

Skyler simply shrugs, trying to play it cool, even though there were millions of butterflies fluttering in his stomach like crazy. "Yeah, um, thanks," he smiles shyly.

"Hey, Julie." A voice speaks after a knock on the door was heard. "I got your roadie."

"Come in," Julie calls and the door opens to reveal Flynn with a giddy smile.

"Holograms are good to go, bosses," Flynn tells them as she walks into the room, making Skyler rolls his eyes slightly.

"Best roadie ever," he jokes, and the stage manager cracks a smile.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to walk you guys to the stage," he tells Julie and Skyler, who both nodded.

"Thanks Rob," Julie replied and the man nods before he turns to exit the room. Flynn waits until the door had shut behind her to start speaking to her friends.

"Do you see this backstage pass?" She spoke with excitement. "I had sushi with Brendon Urie!"

"Good for you," Julie says, somewhat sarcastically. "I threw up in the car on the way over here."

"Yeah," Skyler grimaces. "It was gross."

Julie rolls her eyes and playfully shoves him, earning a small laugh from him.

"You still look amazing though," Flynn reassures her, grinning at the couple. "I made friends with the tech crew. You guys are gonna love what we have planned." She paused and looks around slightly. "The guys are here, right?"

Julie sighs. "We haven't seen them," she admits, making Flynn's face fall.

"Wait, you don't think they changed their mind and took Caleb's offer, do you?" She asks quickly and both teens shake their heads.

"No, of course not. That's the last thing they wanted," Skyler says firmly. Flynn sighs steps closer beside Skyler, all three of them turning to look at each other in the mirror.

"You guys are gonna kill it," Flynn says confidently, making the couple feel slightly better. "We should get some snacks," she suggests and they nodded.

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