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Skyler helped the Molina family set up the dining table for dinner, making sure to include an extra setting between him and Carlos. They each took their seats and held hands around the table.

"Your turn, Carlos," Ray told the boy.

"Thank you for our leftovers and the power of the mighty microwave!" Carlos says. "Amen."

"Amen," Julie replied.

"So," Ray starts as he serves a portion of spaghetti to each of them, "Carlos tells me that he found you two in the studio."

"It sounded like they were talking to someone," Carlos tells him.

"I was rehearsing for a play and Skyler was helping me run my lines," Julie lies and looked at Skyler for confirmation.

"Yep," Skyler nodded quickly.

"Hello, hello!" Julie's aunt, Victoria's voice comes from the distance, sending the Molina family and Skyler into a panic.

"Oh, busted!" Carlos mumbled as they each start clearing the extra setting from the dining table.

"We're in here!" Ray calls out. "Quick!" He whispered to the two teens.

Julie hid the plate under the table, unable to think of anywhere else to hide it. Carlos tosses the napkin across the room while Skyler threw the utensils behind the island.

Just in time, Victoria enters the kitchen while carrying a large Tupperware in her hands. "Ah! Spaghetti, again?" She questions.

"Yep," Ray nods.

"Well, that's too bad," she sighs. "I brought you my pasteles and arroz con pollo."

"Yum!" Ray replied.

"Thanks tià, it smells delicious," Julie compliments.

"You can have it tomorrow," Victoria shrugs her off. "I can't let you have leftovers every night. My sister would kill me, may she rest in peace." She walks towards the dining table and notices Skyler.

"Oh, Skyler! What a surprise! I was just about to send you some dinner as well, but it looks like Ray has everything handled," Victoria greets the Korean with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Miss Estrada," Skyler said.

"Ah, just call me tià. You know there's no need to be formal around us," Victoria tells him softly, making him smile. "Oh, I see things here are going better?" Victoria pats the empty spot where the plate used to be, which is now on Julie's lap.

"Actually," Ray begins, "Julie has been cleaning up Mom's studio. Hopefully, we can get the house on the market and some offers too."

Skyler's heart dropped at the statement. Julie never told him about selling the house, let alone moving. He looked at Julie with a mix of sadness and disbelief and Julie looked down on her lap with guilt.

"Well, I like the sound of that. Moving from here is only gonna help you move on," Victoria says while the three ghosts stumble through the front door and into the house. "You've gotta rip that bandaid off and get the pain over with."

Julie and Skyler noticed the three boys, making Skyler choke on his drink, coughing slightly, while Julie yelped. The three ghosts froze on their tracks and the entire family looked at Julie with a weird look. Julie turns back to her family and laughed awkwardly.

"That's me. Ripping off the bandaid, Ahh!" Julie mimics herself ripping off the bandaid and Carlos laughed at her joke while Skyler mentally facepalmed at her.

"There's my brave girl!" Victoria says excitingly and grabs her cheeks.

"Hey Julie. I really like what you guys did with the place," Luke tells her.

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