Part 15 .

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Part 15 :]


Last night went great. They all liked William. My dad thinks he’s really funny. Robert, Victor, and Ivan say he’s cool so they don’t mind us dating. I really didn’t care that Ale didn’t show up. I think it turned out better without him there. He might have said something to make me mad. At some point he’ll meet him, but for now we’ll be fine.

‘’What are you making?’’ I ask Robert when I step into the kitchen.

‘’Eggs and Bacon.’’

‘’Mmm. Yummy!’’

he chuckles and serves me some. ‘’Thanks.’’ I serve Robert and myself some Sunny D. I love this juice, its really good!

‘’So you like him then?’’ He knows I’m talking about William.

‘’Yeah, he’s cool. Bring him around more though, so we can get to know him.’’

‘’I will, and I’m glad you liked him.’’

‘’There’s something about him that tells me he’s not going to hurt you and the opposite of that.’’

‘’You think?’’

‘’No, I know.’’ Well that was random.

‘’Mmm, you made food.’’ Victor comes in, half asleep, half awake.

I chuckle. ‘’He always makes food.’’

‘’Yeah I do!’’ Robert defends himself.

‘’Hey guys,’’ Ivan comes into the kitchen. ‘’Guess who’s coming over?’’

‘’Oh my gosh, who?!’’ I say in a way to mock him.

‘’Not funny, and Christian.’’

‘’Is he bringing Jenn?’’

‘’Yup.’’ He says popping the ‘p’.

I look at Victor and for reason his eyes light up. What’s up with him? I guess I’ll ask him later. Then the door bell rings and Ivan’s up in a second. I tag along.

‘’What’s up man.’’ Ivan says to Christian.

‘’Nothing much, you?’’


Then Jenn steps inside.


‘’Who-SILVIA!’’ she screams once she sees it’s me. I give her a hug.

‘’Come on! We have to catch up.’’ I drag her up the stairs. Once in my room I plop myself on my bed, Jenn following my exact move.

‘’So when did you get back?’’

‘’About three in a half weeks ago.’’

‘’That long! And you didn’t tell me?’’

‘’Well I’ve been catching up with my brothers and dad.’’

‘’Oh, have seen anyone else?’’

‘’Valerie, and last week Karen. But don’t think I forgot about you.’’

‘’That’s cool! And it’s alrgiht.’’

‘’Okay. So how was everybody been when I left?’’

‘’Well,’’ she looks away. ‘’Everybody was torn, especially your brothers and dad.’’

‘’Why didn’t anybody tell me?’’

After a year, I went back homeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant