After a year, I went back home. Part 13 .

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Part 13 (;


I get home and Ale and his friend Nicolas are there.

''Hey Nick.''

''Hey Silvia. How have you been?'' He asks.

''Good. What about you?''

''Great. I missed you.'' He says a little too friendly.

''Um..Me too.'' I don't want to be rude.

All he does is smile.

''Well im going to sleep.'' I say that and practically run up the stairs.

Let's just say that Ale doesn't have the best choice in friends. To say the truth, I've never really liked Nick, he acts creepy around me and once he tried to get with me. I just don't feel comfortable around him.


I wake up in the morning and start to get ready. I take a shower and shave, brush my teeth, and I choose black booty shorts and a white Aeropostal shirt that a V neck. I put my white vans, and perfume on. I brush my hair out and clip it to the side. I slip on a bracelet that has my name on it, of course its blue, my favorite color.

'I'll be there in fifteen' I text Valerie.

'Kay' -Valerie.

'Oh and tell Karen we'll pick her up after'-Me.

I chuck my phone into my pocket and go downstairs.

Grabbing my keys from the hook and heading outside to my car.

Ale's outside by his car.

''Hey.'' Is all I say to him.

''Where are you going?'' He asks rather harsh.

''With some friends.''

''What friends?''

What is this? Twenty questions?And why is he rude?!

''Does it matter?!'' I snap.

''Yes! You've been going out a lot lately.''

''And? I haven't been home in a year, don't you think I can hang out with my friends? It's not like your home anyway.'' I say my anger rising. He doesn't say anything so I get into my car and drive off leting myself cam down.

I pick up Valerie and drive to Karen's house.

I honk the horn. While we wait for her , I get out my phone and send a text to William.

'I'm on my way'

'Kay babe'-William.

Oh my!

He called me babe!

I know we've only been going out for a little but I love the sound of that.

'Hey guys!'' Karen says while getting into the back seat.

''Hey! ready?''

''Yep! Let's go. I'm dying to meet him!''

Oh boy.

Karen loves to talk! Sometimes you have to shut her up or else your whole life is spilled.

After a year, I went back homeWhere stories live. Discover now